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when you start it without any errors it is like you do it halfly

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Q: What will be a sentence for a proverb like Well begun is half done?
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What is the meaning of this proverb Well begun is half done?

Well begun is half done, which means that success is more likely with a good beginning.

A sentence for the word proverb?

Synonyms for proverb include truism or aphorism.

What does well begun is half done mean?

Beginning a project well makes it easier to do the rest.; Once you have begun a project well, you do not need to put in much more effort to finish it.

What is the best way to write the part of the sentence that is in bold better late than never and has become a favorite proverb for those who never get anything done on time?

"Better late than never" has become a favorite proverb

Well begun is half done?

Well begun is half done means a good start with good intentions is half the battle. This is an old saying that has been around for a long time to motivate people to get started and not procrastinate.

A work well done is a source of happiness?

This phrase means that you will feel a great sense of accomplishment with hard work. It is considered a type of proverb.

How do you put Executive power in a sentence?

Well technically you have just done one. Your question is a sentence.

What does the proverb 'a womans work is never done' mean?

they never finish their work

Proverb that teaches valuable lessons?

Do not accuse a man for no reason, when he has done no harm to you.

Can you use abdominopelvic cavity in a sentence?

Like this "I like my abdominopelvic well done."

Can you give me a sentence using cope and done?

Well heres one for you... "Hi Cope" said Done. And there you go THANKS

How do you use 'steak' in a sentence?

I ordered my steak medium rare and it came out well done.