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var largest : integer

largest = array[0]

for n : integer in array

if n > largest

largest = n



return largest

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Q: What will be the algorithm to input n integers and output the largest one?
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To compute the largest value in an array, assume that the first element is the largest and store the value. Then traverse the remainder of the array. Each time a larger value is encountered, update the stored value. Once all values are traversed, return the stored value. In pseudocode, this algorithm would be implemented as follows: Algorithm: largest Input: array A of length N Output: largest value in A let largest = A[0] // store first value for index = 1 to N-1 // traverse remaining elements if A[index] > largest then largest = A[index] // update stored value if current value is larger next index return largest To determine the position of the largest value, we alter the algorithm as follows: Algorithm: largest_by_index Input: array A of length N Output: index of the largest value in A let largest = 0; // store index 0 for index = 1 to N-1 // traverse remaining elements if A[index] > A[largest] then largest = index // update stored index next index return largest We can do the same to find the position of the smallest element: Algorithm: smallest_by_index Input: array A of length N Output: index of the smallest value in A let smallest = 0; // store index 0 for index = 1 to N-1 // traverse remaining elements if A[index] < A[smallest] then smallest = index // update stored index next index return smallest To perform both algorithms simultaneously, we need to return two values. To achieve this we can use a simple data structure known as a pair: struct pair { int smallest; int largest; }; Algorithm: range_by_index Input: array A of length N Output: a pair indicating the position of the smallest and largest values in A pair result = {0, 0} // initialise the pair for index = 1 to N-1 // traverse remaining elements if A[index] < A[result.smallest] then result.smallest = index // update stored index else if A[index] > A[result.largest] then result.largest = index // update stored index next index return result

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