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If you look at the original study done by Lovaas, he shows that out of two groups, one treated for autism and the other not of children with austim, 1/3rd of the children treated fully using Early Behavioral Intervention were indistinguishable from their peers. This means that 1/3rd could lead normal lives and were able to be a normal kid. The other 2/3rds did better than those in the untreated or less treated group. So the answer to your question is that if early intervention isn't done with a child with autism then they could miss out on learning the communication skills that lead to a more normal functioning life. I attatched the original artical for this study to the bottom of this post. If you need help finding resources to look up a local autism group for your area and possibly get help through one of the online parents and friends of a person with autism communities.

Lovaas OI (February 1987). "Behavioral treatment and normal educational and intellectual functioning in young autistic children". J Consult Clin Psychol 55 (1): 3-9. doi:10.1037/0022-006X.55.1.3. PMID 3571656

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Marijuana does not treat autism. If you were to attempt to treat autism with marijuana, that would be both illegal and unsuccessful.

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Autism is not caused by how the parents treat their children.Autism is a neurological condition caused by genes. If a parent has genes for autism, the child could inherit those genes, making it possible that the child could have autism, but that will not necessarily happen. In addition, there are also spontaneous genetic mutations in some fetuses, some of which have no effect, but others of which can result in autism or other conditions.

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You should act quite normal, like you treat anyoneelse, the person with autism will probably know no difference.

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Scientests Or Others Don't Know How It Happens, However, The Signs Of Autism Would Probably Happen BEFORE, A Child Turns 3.

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A GP (general practitioner), pediatrician, or psychologist where they can discuss and maybe treat your son's or daughter's condition. DAN (Defeat Autism Now) Doctors from the ARI (Autistic Research Institute) can help treat children with autism.

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No, not that I know of and I am a HUGE fan of JLo.

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You would have severe troubles communicating

What should you do for your autistic child?

The best thing that you can do for your autistic child is to learn about autism from autistic people - completely and utterly ignore anything that organisations like Autism Speaks tells you about autism, they are known as a hate group by the autistic community and cause a lot of harm by spreading false information and negative messages about autism. Always presume competence and don't treat autism like it is a negative trait.

Why do people say trick or treat?

if you dont get a treat you do a trick on the one that didnt give you a treat

What can be done to treat autism?

For a comprehensive list of articles and resources pertaining to how to treat Autism, visit Specifically, you may want to check out the following sections:Therapy & Treatment Services & MethodologiesDiet & SupplementsAutism/ResearchTechnologyAll of these topics are full of helpful advice and information that is constantly changing and being updated.Read more: How_do_you_treat_autism

Is it possible for only one twin to develop autism?

Yes, it is possible. In one study, the chance that an identical twin has autism when the other does is 82%. That means that 18% of the identical twins did not have autism. It is much more likely that an identical twin will have autism if the other does than that a fraternal twin or other sibling will, but it does not happen every time.