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Q: What will happen if you get drunk while taking penicillin vk?
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Why is it bad to drink while taking penicillin?

It isn't. The reason this myth started was simply to help people keep their inhibitions; If you're on penicillin, it means you have an infection. And if you get drunk before the penicillin clears your infection, you have a larger chance of getting frisky and transmitting it than while sober.

Can you drink beer while taking penicillin?

You can.

Is it safe to drink alcohol while on Penicillin VK?

Yes it is safe to drink alcohol in moderation while on Penicillin VK. The myth that you can't came from a moral perspective years ago in VD clinics (sexual health clinics). While alcohol is fine to drink while taking Penicillin VK, they were worried about people getting drunk, losing their inhibitions, and spreading disease before the penicillin had chance to clear it up.

Can you take penicillin while on Lexapro?

Yes i am currently taking both! No problems :)

Can you take mirtazapine and penicillin together?

Yes, there is no problem in taking Penicillin (Pen Vee) or Amoxicillin (Amoxyl) while taking mirtazapine (Remeron) - if both are required and prescribed by a doctor.

Can you smoke marejuwana while taking intuniv?

I feel weird affects like I'm drunk when I do

Can you mix penicillin with milk or juice?

Yes, you can drink milk while taking penicillin.

Will penicillin counter act the effectiveness of the NuvaRing...resulting in a pregnancy?

i have searched many links and there is not any concrete evidence to support that penicillin is safe to take while on the nuvaring. ( you should use a secondary method of control while taking any antibiotics.)

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Is it okay to drink beer while taking penicillin?

I do not recommend drinking to excess when you are fighting off an infection. The beer is OK with the antibiotic, but getting drunk would reduce your body's ability to fight off your illness. One beer is fine. Avoid more than that until you heal up.

Can you drink red wine while taking penicillin?

It would be best to avoid alcohol while taking penicillin. Please call your doctor or pharmacist to get the best answer for your situation.