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Your Friend Will get multiple traffic tickets for driving without insurance and without a drivers license.

If your friend has an At Fault accident. The other party or his insurer can sue both you and your friend for any and all damages incurred. They can sue your friend because he was the driver and they can sue you because you are the owner of the vehicle who allowed him to drive your vehicle.


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Q: What will happen to me if my friend borrows my car and they don't have a license or any insurance and get pulled over by the police?
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What would happen if a friend lets you borrow his insured car and you get into an accident but you do not own a car or have insurance?

I believe most insurances will cover the damages if the car is insured and you have a license, but if you do not have a license the insurance will not cover anything you are both liable. Your friend is liable for loning you the car without a license and you are liable for driving it.

Can you lose your license for cancelled insurance?

Only if you get caught driving without insurance can that happen in most states. I wish it would happen in all.

What will happen to your drivers license if you cancel your insurance?

If you are in certain stated your drivers license could be suspended. Most will not though.

What happen if a 19yrs wreck a car and has no license or insurance?

You will be cited for not having a license and people would bill you for any damage you caused.

If a friend is driving your Car with no Insurance or License and get in an accident what the worst that can happen?

Your vehicle was or was not insured? If neither the vehicle nor driver have any insurance, both the owner of the uninsured vehicle and driver will be held accountable for the damages caused/owed. Fines, loss of license and plates, etc. with more detailed information I could be of more assistance.

What will happen if you have insurance and no drivers license and the other driver was at fault?

You still get slammed. The logic that you not having a driver's license means you shouldn't have been there.

What can happen if you do not notify your insurance company that you are driving under a suspended license and have had an accident?

They will probably try to deny coverage on your claim. Did you inform them that your license was suspended? Probably not, I imagine.

What is going to happen because you totaled your car yesterday with no insurance and a suspended drivers license?

You are going to go to jail. Enjoy!

What if you get permission to drive your friends car and you crash it what will happen if she i don't want my insurance to cover it what will happen?

If your friend has auto insurance that covers other drivers, you're fine. If not, she will have to pay for the damage or sue you in civil court.

What if You are in a car accident and have no insurance and you hit a car that had full coverage and gap insurance what will happen?

Generally, if you were in CA and I am assuming you are not talking about a fender bender or minor accident, you would lose your license and be required to make a filing to reinstate your license. In order to maintain your license you may be required to file what is called an SR-1P or an SR-22 which is simply proof you have insurance in place. If your insurance expires or you let it lapse, the insurance company will notify DMV and your license will be suspended again. Now you said the car you hit has insurance. This could mean they (the insurance company) will probably attempt to go after you to recover damages they had to pay on your behalf. You are still responsible!

If someone rear ends you and your license is expired but the car your driving is insured what will happen?

you will get a ticket and probably get your license suspended for longer and insurance will probably not cover the accident b/c you were driving with a suspended license but of course this is just one scenario

What can happen when you have full coverage on your car and lend your car to someone who has an expired drivers license and they get into an accident?

You can be sued, and your insurance company can deny the claim.