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Water droplets will start evaporating on contacting the pan bottom, and they will tend to "dance" on the produced steam.

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10y ago

Heat will flow from the hot pan to the cold water.

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10y ago

The water in sink will be heated up and eventually flow the edge over when the sink was really full.

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Q: What direction will heat flow if cold water is added to a hot pan?
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Heat flows towards cold.

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Cold currents generally flow towards the equator. (a.k.a. south).

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choices are: The cold will flow from the metal into the hot water, causing the hot water to warm up and the metal to cool down. b. The energy from the hot water will flow into the cold metal, cooling the water down and heating up the metal. c. The cold will flow from the metal into the hot water, causing the hot water to cool down and the metal to warm up. d. The metal will cool down because the specific heat of water is high.

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No, its to cold

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Warm or cold defines the temperature of the water. In general warm currents flow north and cold currents flow south. That makes sense. Also warm currents flow on the surface and cold currents flow deep since cold water is denser than warm water.

What is base flow?

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