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If a red blood cell is placed in an isotonic solution then nothing should happen physically because an isotonic solution is one that has the same solute concentration as the red blood cell itself.

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15y ago

nothing. however, placed in a hypertonic solution it would shrink and in a hypotonic solution it would burst (cytosis).

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Lvl 3
1y ago

. Both the concentration of solute and water are equal both intracellularly and extracellularly, so no change will occur

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14y ago

nothing happens is stays the same

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11y ago

Nothing will happen to the cell.

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Umer Qureshi

Lvl 2
1y ago

No change will occur.

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Q: What happens to a red blood cell when exposed to isotonic solutions?
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What concentration are most intravenous solutions- are they hypertonic isotonic or hypotonic?

Isotonic, because that is close to the concentration in the blood.

Why transfusion fluids are made isotonic with blood plasma?

Expand blood volume to help a fluid deficit. Isotonic is used because they don't move water in or out of the cell- meaning they are most compatible with human blood as opposed to hypertonic and hypotonic solutions.

Is Hartman's solution hypertonic?

Yes . The balance of chemicals between the blood and Hartman's solutions is isotonic and therefore there is an equilibrium reached between the two solutions. this reason is why it is used for major blood loss.

What term would be applied to each of the blood cells?

I think those the effects of Osmosis which are: Isotonic, hypotonic, and hypertonic solutions.

What you would administer hypertonic isotonic and hypotonic solution for?

Hypertonic solutions contain higher concentrations of various dilutes than blood, Isotonic solutions contain the same concentrations, and Hypotonic solutions contain less of its dilute components than blood. As such, you might deliver hypertonic saline to a patient who is electrolytically depleted, an isotonic to a patient whose blood chemistry is good but is hypovolemic, and a hypotonic like D5W to a dehydrated patient whose electrolytes are very high in spite of the dehydration. It's a way of adding fluids and trying to balance the blood chemistry at the same time.

What happens to a cell in a isotonic solution?

the plasma membranes water flows at an equal rate. animal cells function the best in an isotonic environment. in an isotonic environment the blood cells stay normal and do not get lyced (which happens in hypotonic environments) and they do not shrivel (which happens in hypertonic environments).

Which of the 3 intravenous solutions isotonic hypotonic hypertonic has more electrolytes andor glucose content - please differentiate the three solutions based on the mentioned content?

Hypertonic solutions have more electrolytes....HYPER meaning greater/more/excessive. Hypotonic have the least electrolyes. Isotonic have the similar electroly (osmolality) as blood. Meaning if you give isotonic solutions, the fluid will saty in the vessels and not move fluids around. Hypertonic solutions will move water from the cells into the vessels (extracellualr) and hypotonic solution will move water from fluid from the vessels into the cells. Glucose is usually an iso or hypertonic solution, but there are different % of glucose in every solution. D5W is an isotonic solution.

What is the effect of drinking isotonic solution on the blood composition?

There would be no effects. Your blood is already isotonic.

There are several over-the-counter eyewash products on the market Describe what would happen if they were not isotonic solutions?

The eyes would swell up. An Isotonic solution has the same osmotic pressure as blood; therefore, it doesn't allow the liquid to be absorbed.

To what body fluid is saline isotonic?

0.9% saline is isotonic to blood.

What concentration of NaCl would you use to store human red blood cells?

Only isotonic saline (0.9%) is recommended for use with blood components. Other isotonic electrolyte solutions that have been approved by the FDA for this purpose may be used.Other commonly used intravenous solutions will cause varying degrees of difficulty when mixed with red cells. For example, 5% dextrose in water will hemolyze red cells. Intravenous solutions containing calcium, such as Lactated Ringer's solution, can cause clots to form in blood.

What is the best type of tonicity in an environment of a red blood cell?

Isotonic solutions will maintain the normal volume of an individual red blood cell. A hypotonic solution will swell the cell, and a hypertonic one will shrink it.