

What will happen when sugar is added to water?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What will happen when sugar is added to water?
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What is of sugar and water?

Its just water added with sugar.

What would happen if you added more water to koolaid to get more sugar to dissolve?

The kool-aid will be more diluted; it is not necessary to add very much sugar. The solubility of sugar in water is sufficient also if you use small volumes of water.

Does water taste sweet when sugar is added?

The sugar dissolves in the water and you taste the sugar

What happened when you added sugar to water?

The sugar dissolves.

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What happen when you stir water and sugar together?

The sugar dissolves

What happen to sugar when it is mixed with water?

Sugar dissolves in water to form a homogeneous solution.

What will happen if you heat the sugar without water?

Nothing will happen :))

What happens sugar is added to water?

The sugar will dissolve in water because sugar is polar and so is water with hydrogen bonds. When attraction happens, the water molecules will separate the sugar molecules and the sugar will be dissolved.

What happens when you increase the heat of water when sugar is added?

The sugar solubility is increased.

What will happen if you put sugar in water?

You get Gatorade

What will be happen when you heat the salt and sugar with dissolve by water?

water will evaporate and salt and sugar will remain back