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Vitamin C. For example, spinach has a relatively high iron content, but it lacks an enzyme that would enable your body to absorb this mineral. If you have a spinach dish, consume it with a food that's high in Vitamin C; for example, tomato, orange, lemon, or a juice made from one of these fruits.

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Q: What should you consume to increase its absorption with iron supplements?
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What vitamin and mineral supplements should not be taken together?

Some interactions between vitamins may lead to its poor absorption. For instance, iron supplements do not go together well with zinc and may also interfere with absorption of vitamin E. Calcium impedes the absorption of iron that's why they should not be taken together.

Who should not take copper supplements?

Certain disorders have been known to increase copper levels. Persons with these conditions should not take copper supplements as they may cause copper toxicity.

Does caffeine affect iron absorption?

No, caffeine directly affect the absorption of iron. It is the polyphenol compounds in coffee and tea that negatively affect iron absorption. Drinks containing polyphenol compounds should be avoided at least an hour prior to, and and hour after taking iron supplements or eating foods that contain iron to ensure they do not interfere with iron absorption.

Should bodybuilders take vitamin d supplements or should they abstain from all supplements?

No bodybuilders should not take vitamin d supplements. They should not abstain from all supplements either. They should take protein supplements in order to maximize their body's potential.

Should I take nutritional supplements and vitamins if I eat a healthy diet?

Nutritional supplements and vitamins are beneficial if taken in small amounts. Remember, everything is good, until you start taking too much. If you are healthy, vitamins and nutritional supplements will increase your healthiness.

Are mineral supplements effective?

If you consume a normal, balanced diet, you should have no vitamin or mineral deficiencies. If you wish to ensure this, you can take a multivitamin supplement daily, which should provide more than enough essential minerals.

Should you take magnesium citrate on an empty stomach?

well yes for best absorption,but you might upset your stomach,so in the long run the safest bet is to take all supplements with meals

What are some natural supplements that work as sleep aids?

Some natural supplements which do work as sleep aids include valerian and melatonin. As with any product taken for medical purposes, one should read the label and not consume if it clashes with pre-existing medication or conditions.

What are the finger like projections in the small intestine that act to increase the surface for absorption?

finger like projections in small intestine are called villi to increase surface area for absorption of food in small intestine.

How can magnesium imbalance be prevented?

Most people consume adequate amounts of magnesium in the food they eat. Dietary supplements can be used safely, but should only be used under a doctor's supervision.

What should you know about body building supplements before taking them?

Most of these supplements are expensive and vary in effectiveness as to their stated ability to increase muscle mass. The most frequent concern with use of some oral anabolic-like supplements (as androstenediol) is the possibility of liver cancer associated with long-term use. To my knowledge, only creatine supplements with adequate hydration throughout the day have been documented to increase muscle size with few side effects.

How much saturated fat should a man consume in a day?

The recommended intake of saturated fat that an adult human should consume is up to 5 grams. Saturated fat can cause weight gain, increase in cholosteral, and raise your blood pressure.