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Q: What will make a cookie get soggy the fastest?
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Related questions

What is the fastest wet land animal?

A soggy cheetah.

What is the cookie sheet that heats up the fastest?

Dark coloured

Are soggy noodles good?

If you're trying to make soggy noodles, then good job! If you like your noodles stiff, then no.

Would a grill make toast soggy or a microwave?

a microwave.

What condtions make things rust?

soggy and wet conditions can make metal rust

Which ice cream melts the fastest?

The Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream does!

How can you make a different cookie from a sugar cookie?

Add cinnamon.

If you had a giant cookie how much cookie doughdid it take to make the coockie?

It depends on what cookie you are making and what is going to be in it.

Why does beef look swollen and fatty after soaked in coca cola after 3 days?

because try doing this. soak a cookie in milk. you see how soggy it is well that's because it absorbs.

How do you make pickle cookie dough?

with a pickle and some cookie dough

What is the best flavored cookie?

Best flavored cookie is he pineapple flavored cookie, but they are not sold so you can make them yourself

Is soggy an adjective?

Yes, it is. It means very damp or wet (soggy clothes, soggy ground).