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the chemacls in vinager makes the penny rust

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Q: What will make a penny rust faster vinegar or water?
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What grows faster a bean plant feed vinegar or water?

The vinegar is going to make it grow faster

What will make a penny a paperclip a sewing needle and a penny rust faster salt water or plain water?

salt water

Will a skittle melt faster in room tempatured water or vinegar?

I believe the vinegar make the skittles color disappear into the vinegar.

A penny that rust in water or vinger?

make your question more clearer and i think it is vinegar

Why does water evaporate faster than vinegar?

Vinegar evaporates quicker then water because the acid inside of vinegar causes the sun to make the molecules inside the vinegar to boil faster then the water so then the molecules inside the vinegar will break apart faster until the vinegar is completely gone Acetic acid enthalpy of vaporization is lower compared to the same property of water.

Which liquid bleach or vinegar will make a nail rust faster?

i think vinegar will make a nail rust faster because vinegar will makes the mental with iron in them.

Will sprite make a penny rust?

Yes water makes a penny rust faster in water because the particles are nore affective and the coke does not have near as many particles as water well good luck with the expirementing that project!!!!!!!!

What acids can make a rusty penny a shiny penny?

vinegar, cilit bang, coke,

How do you spoil water?

Add vinegar. Vinegar contains ethanoic acid which will react with the milk and spoil it. Leaving it in a warm place will also make it spoil faster.

How can you make a penny into siver?

Add vinegar let sit

Will placing a copper penny in the bottom of a vase help to keep flowers fresh?

Yes, the copper of the penny acts as a fungicide. You should also add vinegar to the water to help make the water more acidic.

How do you make a penny shiney?

Letting it sit in vinegar for about 3 minutes.