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Mutations which do not occur in sex cells are not passed on to the next generation. The mutation will only affect the individual. They could therefore have normal offspring.

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Q: What will mutation do if it does not occur in sex cells?
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Can mutation heritable?

Mutations are able to be inherited if they occur in your mother or father's sex cells. This is known as a germline mutation.

Why are mutation that occur body cells not pass on to its offspring?

This is because body cells do not contribute genetic material to sex cells.

How does a mutation in a sex cell differ from a mutation is a non sex cell?

Mutations in sex cells do not affect the organism

What could be a result from the presence of a mutation in an organisms sex cells?

You can have a baby with physical/mental deformities or death of the child.

Sex cell mutation incorporates altered DNA into which cells of the offspring's body?

Sex cells

How does a mutation in a sex cell differ from a mutation in a non-sex cell?

Mutations in sex cells can be passed on to children. Mutations in sex cells only affect offspring. Mutations in sex cells do not affect the organism.

What mutation affects an organism's offspring?

mutation can affect an organism's offspring

How does a mutation in a sex cells differ from a mutation in a non sex cell?

A mutation in a sex cell may be passed on to an offspring. A mutation in a somatic (body) cell cannot be passed on to an offspring, but can potentially cause cancer in the person who has the mutation.

How does a mutation in a sex cells differ in a mutation in a non sex cell?

A mutation in a sex cell may be passed on to an offspring. A mutation in a somatic (body) cell cannot be passed on to an offspring, but can potentially cause cancer in the person who has the mutation.

During which phases of the cells cycle do such mutation occur?


What has a greater effect on a species mutation in body cells or sex cells?

Question not clear.

What type of mutation occurs in reproductive cells and can be passed to offspring?

Sex cells