

Best Answer

Zoom, whiz, or buzz might all work.

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Q: What word best describes the sound of moving vehicular traffic?
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Which term describes an apparent change in frequency of sound waves of rapidly moving objects?

Doppler effect

Which of these best describes a flight that is approaching the speed of sound?

more drag is created because the air molecules are not moving out of the way of the airplane

Pitch describes the loudness of a sound?

Pitch describes the frequency of a sound.

Why rumbled is a verb?

"Rumbled" is a verb because it is an action word that describes the sound or movement made by something. It conveys the action of a deep, low, and continuous sound or the act of moving with a low, rumbling noise.

What does frequency describes?

It describes sound waves and vibrations.

Which property of sound describes your perception of the energy of a sound?


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What property of sound describes your awareness of the energy of a sound?


What is answers best describes how sound is created?

A sound wave is essentially fast changing sound pressure. Longitudinal sound waves need a medium to travel through in order to exist e.g mostly air, water, metal... A sound wave is the pattern of disturbance caused by the movement of sound ... A sound needs a moving sound source of a frequency between 20 Hz and 20 kHz.

What do scientists call the energy of a sound wave?

Sound is a form of energy derived from moving objects. Vibrations in air made by moving objects create sound waves.

What word describes what produces sound?


What is the word that describes the absence of air?
