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Q: What word is being defined if the meaning is the act of disloyalty?
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What is a 10 letter word meaning treason?

disloyalty, subversion

A sentence using the word disloyalty?

the workers showed disloyalty to the king. Who showed them Disloyalty?

What is Negritude?

The word is defined as meaning the quality or fact of being of black African origin.

What is the meaning of the word peoguet?

The meaning of the word 'Peoguet' is defined as being the name of a mythical Chinese griffin. The griffin is said to bring good luck and great fortunes.

How do you use the word disloyalty in a sentence?

He deserved to die for the disloyalty he showed towards the King.

What word is defined as Likeness of a human being?

Effigy is defined as likeness of a human being

What does the word infidelity mean?

marital disloyalty; adultery

What term is defined for words that have same meaning or nearly the same meaning?

A synonym of course. An antonym for a word that is defined for hvaing the opposite or nearly the opposite meaning.

How can ''statagem'' be defined?

It seems an old word meaning temptation

Harden from cold what word defined?

Hardening from cold can be defined by the word callous.

How does someone define the word compare?

Used as a verb, compare can be defined as to examine two or more objects to notice their similarities or differences. It can also be defined as being worthy of comparison (meaning equal), or to be a rival.

What is an antonym for the word dedication?

Antonyms for dedication are disloyalty and unfaithfulness.