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Q: What word starts with syn and means together?
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What is the root word for symbolism?

It comes from two root words. syn which means "together" and bole "a throwing" and literally means "thrown together"

What words that start with the the prefix syn?

synonym, synchronize, synthesis, synoptic, etc. (syn means with or together.)

Is the root word of synagogue syn?

The word synagogue comes from the greek verb "συνάγω" = gather and means «place of concentration». The corresponding Hebrew word means Beit Knesset «meeting house» [1]. A typical synagogue consists of a large prayer area and smaller study rooms. Usually includes the area of social gatherings, and offices.

What does sym mean in latin?

"Syn-" means "with , together." It is only found in Greek loanwords or words that have Latin and Greek elements mixed together. The native Latin word that means "with, together" is "con- (co-,com-, col, etc)" and gives us English words like "congregation (a flocking together)."

Why fertilisation is also called syngamy?

Syn = together, fusion Gamy = seed. The root word for gametes.

What is the prefix and rott of the word synchronize?

the prefix is syn meaning together the root is chron meaning time

What does the root word syn mean?


What is a prefix for together?

syn, sym, y

What does the prefix synthesis mean?

In the word "synthesis" the "syn" part is a prefix. This prefix means "with" and is derived from the Greek language.

What is the affix of the word synonym?

syn is the answer.

What is syn syn ack ack?

Syn Syn Ack Ack means three way handshake in Transmission Control Protocol. It is referred to as Syn Syn Ack Ack because there are three messages transmitted by TCP to negotiate and start a session between two computers.

What are fifty examples of synonyms and antonyms?

A synonym is a word that means the same, or something very similar, as another word.An antonym is a word that means the exact opposite of another word.1. war (syn) conflict (ant)peace2. difference (syn) disparity (ant) similarity3. believe (syn) trust (ant)doubt4. slack (syn) loose (ant)tight5. warp (syn) buckle (ant)straighten6. overwrought (syn) agitated (ant) calm7. hare-brained (syn) foolish (ant) sensible8. mucky (syn) dirty (ant)clean9. awesome (syn) magnificent (ant) unimpressive10. zeal (syn) fervour (ant)apathy11. banal (syn) hackneyed (ant) original12. young (syn) juvenile (ant) old13. contemptuous (syn) disdainful (ant) respectful14. waxen (syn) pallid (ant)ruddy15. droll (syn) humorous (ant) serious16. vilify (syn) disparage (ant) praise17. exultant (syn) jubilant (ant) sorrowful18. ugly (syn) unsightly (ant) beautiful19. fat (syn) corpulent (ant)thin20. tacit (syn) implicit (ant) explicit21. gargantuan (syn) enormous (ant) tiny22. sloping (syn) slanted (ant) level23. heterodox (syn) nonconformist (ant) orthodox24. rude (syn) discourteous (ant) polite25. irritate (syn) vex (ant)soothe26. quash (syn) annul (ant)validate27. jagged (syn) spiky (ant)smooth28. prone (syn) vulnerable (ant) resistant29. kaleidoscopic (syn) multicoloured (ant) monochrome30. outlandish (syn) weird (ant) ordinary31. lack (syn) deficiency (ant) abundance32. nasty (syn) unpleasant (ant) nice33. malevolence (syn) hostility (ant) benevolence34. loyalty (syn) allegiance (ant) treachery35. noxious (syn) poisonous (ant) innocuous36. kind (syn) caring (ant)mean37. outward (syn) outer (ant)inward38. just (syn) fair (ant)unfair39. pusillanimous (syn) timid (ant) brave40. include (syn) incorporate (ant) exclude41. questionable (syn) doubtful (ant) indisputable42. hate (syn) loathe (ant)love43. rabble (syn) mob (ant)nobility44. guilty (syn) culpable (ant) innocent45. scintillating (syn) sparkling (ant) dull46. footling (syn) trivial (ant) important47. tousled (syn) untidy (ant) neat48. excellent (syn) superb (ant) inferior49. unforgettable (syn) memorable (ant) unexceptional50. finished (syn) completed (ant) incomplete