

Best Answer

The prefix 'bi' generally means two or twice. Words that have the prefix 'bi' are:














































































































bipartisan, bilateral, biracial, bisexual, biped, bicycle, binoculars

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Bi-: In most branches of science bi- in compo...

Bi-: In the composition of chemical names bi-...

Bi acid: Having two hydrogen atoms which can be r...

Germinate: Having points in two directions....

Biangular: Having two angles or corners....

Biangulate: Alt. of Biangulated...

Biangulated: Biangular....

Biangulous: Biangular....

Biannual: Occurring twice a year; half-yearly; sem...

Biantheriferous: Having two anthers....

Biarticulate: Having, or consisting of, tow joints....

Bias: To incline to one side; to give a partic...

Bias: A weight on the side of the ball used in...

Bias: A leaning of the mind; propensity or pre...

Bias: A wedge-shaped piece of cloth taken out ...

Bias: A slant; a diagonal; as, to cut cloth on...

Bias: Inclined to one side; swelled on one Sid...

Bias: Cut slanting or diagonally, as cloth....

Bias: In a slanting manner; crosswise; oblique...

Biased: of Bias...

Biases: of Bias...

Biasing: of Bias...

Biauriculate: Having two auricles, as the heart of mam...

Biauriculate: Having two earlike projections at its ba...

Biaxal: Alt. of Biaxial...

Biaxial: Having two axes; as, biaxial polarizatio...

Bib: To drink; to sip; to tipple....

Bib: An arctic fish (Gadus luscus), allied to...

Bib: A small piece of cloth worn by children ...

Bib: Alt. of Bibbe...

Bib: A bibcock....

Bibacious: Addicted to drinking....

Bibacity: The practice or habit of drinking too mu...

Bibasic: Having to hydrogen atoms which can be re...

Bibb: A bibcock. See Bib, n., 3....

Bibbe: To drink; to tipple....

Bibber: One given to drinking alcoholic beverage...

Bibble-babble: Idle talk; babble....

Bibbs: Pieces of timber bolted to certain parts...

Bibcock: A cock or faucet having a bent down nozz...

Bibelot: A small decorative object without practi...

Bibirine: See Bebeerine....

Bibitory: Of or pertaining to drinking or tippling...

Bible: A book....

Bible: A book containing the sacred writings be...

Bible: A book with an authoritative exposition ...

Bible: The Book by way of eminence, -- that is,...

Bibler: A great drinker; a tippler....

Biblical: Pertaining to, or derived from, the Bibl...

Biblicality: The quality of being biblical; a biblica...

Biblically: According to The Bible....

Biblicism: Learning or literature relating to the B...

Biblicist: One skilled in the knowledge of the Bibl...

Bibliograph: Bibliographer....

Bibliographer: One who writes, or is versed in, bibliog...

Bibliographic: Alt. of Bibliographical...

Bibliographical: Pertaining to bibliography, or the histo...

Bibliographies: of Bibliography...

Bibliography: A history or description of books and ma...

Bibliolater: Alt. of Bibliolatrist...

Bibliolatrist: A worshiper of books; especially, a wors...

Bibliolatry: Book worship, esp. of the Bible; -- appl...

Bibliological: Relating to bibliology....

Bibliology: The literature or doctrine of the Bible....

Bibliology: An account of books; book lore; bibliogr...

Bibliomancy: A kind of divination, performed by selec...

Bibliomania: A mania for acquiring books....

Bibliomaniac: Relating to a bibliomaniac....

Bibliomaniac: One who has a mania for books....

Bibliomaniacal: Pertaining to a passion for books; relat...

Bibliopegic: Relating to the binding of books....

Bibliopegist: A bookbinder....

Bibliopegistic: Pertaining to the art of binding books....

Bibliopegy: The art of binding books....

Bibliophile: A lover of books....

Bibliophilism: Love of books....

Bibliophilist: A lover of books....

Bibliophobia: A dread of books....

Bibliopolar: Of or pertaining to the sale of books....

Bibliopole: One who sells books....

Bibliopolic: Alt. of Bibliopolar...

Bibliopolism: The trade or business of selling books....

Bibliopolist: Same as Bibliopole....

Bibliopolistic: Of or pertaining to bibliopolism....

Bibliotaph: Alt. of Bibliotaphist...

Bibliotaphist: One who hides away books, as in a tomb....

Bibliothec: A librarian....

Bibliotheca: A library....

Bibliothecal: Belonging to a library....

Bibliothecary: A librarian....

Bibliotheke: A library....

Biblist: One who makes the Bible the sole rule of...

Biblist: A biblical scholar; a biblicist....

Bibracteate: Furnished with, or having, two bracts....

Bibulous: Inclined to drink; addicted to tippling....

Bibulous: Readily imbibing fluids or moisture; spo...

Bibulously: In a bibulous manner; with profuse imbib...

Bicalcarate: Having two spurs, as the wing or leg of ...

Bicallose: Alt. of Bicallous...

Bicallous: Having two callosities or hard spots....

Bicameral: Consisting of, or including, two chamber...

Bicapsular: Having two capsules; as, a bicapsular pe...

Bicarbonate: A carbonate in which but half the hydrog...

Bicarbureted: Alt. of -retted...

Bicarinate: Having two keel-like projections, as the...

Bicaudal: Having, or terminating in, two tails....

Bicaudate: Two-tailed; bicaudal....

Bicched: Pecked; pitted; notched....

Bice: Alt. of Bise...

Bicentenary: Of or pertaining to two hundred, esp. to...

Bicentenary: The two hundredth anniversary, or its ce...

Bicentennial: The two hundredth year or anniversary, o...

Bicentennial: Occurring every two hundred years....

Bicentennial: Consisting of two hundred years....

Bicephalous: Having two heads....

Biceps: A muscle having two heads or origins; --...

Bichir: A remarkable ganoid fish (Polypterus bic...

Bichloride: A compound consisting of two atoms of ch...

Bicho: See Jigger....

Bichromate: A salt containing two parts of chromic a...

Bichromatize: To combine or treat with a bichromate, e...

Bicipital: Having two heads or origins, as a muscle...

Bicipital: Pertaining to a biceps muscle; as, bicip...

Bicipital: Dividing into two parts at one extremity...

Bicipitous: Having two heads; bicipital....

Bicker: To skirmish; to exchange blows; to fight...

Bicker: A wrangle; also, a noise,, as in angry c...

Bicker: A fight with stones between two parties ...

Bicker: A skirmish; an encounter....

Bicker: To contend in petulant altercation; to w...

Bicker: A small wooden vessel made of staves and...

Bicker: To move quickly and unsteadily, or with ...

Bickered: of Bicker...

Bickerer: One who bickers....

Bickering: A skirmishing....

Bickering: Altercation; wrangling....

Bickering: of Bicker...

Bickerment: Contention....

Bickern: An anvil ending in a beak or point (orig...

Bickford fuse: Alt. of Bickford match...

Bickford match: A fuse used in blasting, consisting of a...

Bicolligate: Having the anterior toes connected by a ...

Bicolor: Alt. of Bicolored...

Bicolored: Of two colors....

Biconcave: Concave on both sides; as, biconcave ver...

Biconjugate: Twice paired, as when a petiole forks tw...

Biconvex: Convex on both sides; as, a biconvex len...

Bicorn: Alt. of Bicornous...

Bicorned: Alt. of Bicornous...

Bicornous: Having two horns; two-horned; crescentli...

Bicorporal: Having two bodies....

Bicorporate: Double-bodied, as a lion having one head...

Bicostate: Having two principal ribs running longit...

Bicrenate: Twice crenated, as in the case of leaves...

Bicrescentic: Having the form of a double crescent....

Bicrural: Having two legs....

Bicuspid: Alt. of Bicuspidate...

Bicuspid: One of the two double-pointed teeth whic...

Bicuspidate: Having two points or prominences; ending...

Bicyanide: See Dicyanide....

Bicycle: A light vehicle having two wheels one be...

Bicycler: One who rides a bicycle....

Bicyclic: Relating to bicycles....

Bicycling: The use of a bicycle; the act or practic...

Bicyclism: The art of riding a bicycle....

Bicyclist: A bicycler....

Bicycular: Relating to bicycling....

Bid: of Bid...

Bid: To make a bid; to state what one will pa...

Bid: To pray....

Bid: An offer of a price, especially at aucti...

Bid: imp. & p. p. of Bid....

Bid: To invite; to call in; to request to com...

Bid: To order; to direct; to enjoin; to comma...

Bid: To proclaim; to declare publicly; to mak...

Bid: To offer in words; to declare, as a wish...

Bid: To make an offer of; to propose. Specifi...

Bid: of Bid...

Bidale: An invitation of friends to drink ale at...

Bidarka: A portable boat made of skins stretched ...

Bidarkee: Alt. of Bidarka...

Biddable: Obedient; docile....

Bidden: p. p. of Bid....

Bidden: of Bid...

Bidder: One who bids or offers a price....

Biddery ware: A kind of metallic ware made in India. T...

Bidding: Command; order; a proclamation or notify...

Bidding: of Bid...

Bidding: The act or process of making bids; an of...

Bidding prayer: The prayer for the souls of benefactors,...

Bidding prayer: The prayer before the sermon, with petit...

Biddy: A name used in calling a hen or chicken....

Biddy: An Irish serving woman or girl....

Bide: To wait for; as, I bide my time. See Abi...

Bide: To encounter; to remain firm under (a ha...

Bide: To remain; to continue or be permanent i...

Bide: To dwell; to inhabit; to abide; to stay....

Bided: of Bide...

Bident: An instrument or weapon with two prongs....

Bidental: Having two teeth....

Bidentate: Having two teeth or two toothlike proces...

Bidet: A kind of bath tub for sitting baths; a ...

Bidet: A small horse formerly allowed to each t...

Bidigitate: Having two fingers or fingerlike project...

Biding: Residence; habitation....

Biding: of Bide...

Biela's comet: A periodic coment, discovered by Biela i...

Bield: To shelter....

Bield: A shelter. Same as Beild....

Bielid: See Andromede....

Biennial: Something which takes place or appears o...

Biennial: Happening, or taking place, once in two ...

Biennial: Continuing for two years, and then peris...

Biennial: A plant which exists or lasts for two ye...

Biennially: Once in two years....

Bier: A count of forty threads in the warp or ...

Bier: A handbarrow or portable frame on which ...

Bierbalk: A church road (e. g., a path across fiel...

Biestings: Alt. of Beestings...

Bifacial: Having the opposite surfaces alike....

Bifarious: Twofold; arranged in two rows....

Bifarious: Pointing two ways, as leaves that grow o...

Bifariously: In a bifarious manner....

Biferous: Bearing fruit twice a year....

Biffin: A sort of apple peculiar to Norfolk, Eng...

Biffin: A baked apple pressed down into a flat, ...

Bifid: Cleft to the middle or slightly beyond t...

Bifidate: See Bifid....

Bifilar: Two-threaded; involving the use of two t...

Biflabellate: Flabellate on both sides....

Biflagellate: Having two long, narrow, whiplike append...

Biflorate: Alt. of Biflorous...

Biflorous: Bearing two flowers; two-flowered....

Bifocal: Having two foci, as some spectacle lense...

Bifold: Twofold; double; of two kinds, degrees, ...

Bifoliate: Having two leaves; two-leaved....

Bifoliolate: Having two leaflets, as some compound le...

Biforate: Having two perforations....

Biforine: An oval sac or cell, found in the leaves...

Biforked: Bifurcate....

Biform: Having two forms, bodies, or shapes....

Biformed: Having two forms....

Biformity: A double form....

Biforn: Before....

Biforous: See Biforate....

Bifronted: Having two fronts....

Bifurcate: To divide into two branches....

Bifurcate: Alt. of Bifurcated...

Bifurcated: Two-pronged; forked....

Bifurcation: A forking, or division into two branches...

Bifurcous: See Bifurcate, a....

Big: Alt. of Bigg...

Big: Alt. of Bigg...

Big: Having greatness, fullness, importance, ...

Big: Great with young; pregnant; swelling; re...

Big: Having largeness of size; of much bulk o...

Big Bend State: Tennessee; -- a nickname....

Biga: A two-horse chariot....

Bigam: A bigamist....

Bigamist: One who is guilty of bigamy....

Bigamous: Guilty of bigamy; involving bigamy; as, ...

Bigamy: The offense of marrying one person when ...

Bigaroon: The large white-heart cherry....

Bigarreau: Alt. of Bigaroon...

Big-bellied: Having a great belly; as, a big-bellied ...

Bigeminate: Having a forked petiole, and a pair of l...

Bigential: Including two tribes or races of men....

Bigeye: A fish of the genus Priacanthus, remarka...

Bigg: Barley, especially the hardy four-rowed ...

Bigg: To build....

Bigg: See Big, n. & v....

Biggen: To make or become big; to enlarge....

Bigger: compar. of Big....

Biggest: superl. of Big....

Biggin: Alt. of Bigging...

Biggin: A coffeepot with a strainer or perforate...

Biggin: A child's cap; a hood, or something worn...

Bigging: A building....

Biggon: Alt. of Biggonnet...

Biggonnet: A cap or hood with pieces covering the e...

Bigha: A measure of land in India, varying from...

Bighorn: The Rocky Mountain sheep (Ovis / Caprovi...

Bight: A corner, bend, or angle; a hollow; as, ...

Bight: A bend in a coast forming an open bay; a...

Bight: The double part of a rope when folded, i...

Biglandular: Having two glands, as a plant....

Bigly: In a tumid, swelling, blustering manner;...

Bigness: The state or quality of being big; large...

Bignonia: A large genus of American, mostly tropic...

Bignoniaceous: Of pertaining to, or resembling, the fam...

Bigot: A hypocrite; esp., a superstitious hypoc...

Bigot: A person who regards his own faith and v...

Bigot: Bigoted....

Bigoted: Obstinately and blindly attached to some...

Bigotedly: In the manner of a bigot....

Bigotry: The practice or tenets of a bigot....

Bigotry: The state of mind of a bigot; obstinate ...

Bigwig: A person of consequence; as, the bigwigs...

Big-wigged: characterized by pomposity of manner....

Bihydroguret: A compound of two atoms of hydrogen with...

Bijou: A trinket; a jewel; -- a word applied to...

Bijoutry: Small articles of virtu, as jewelry, tri...

Bijoux: of Bijou...

Bijugate: Having two pairs, as of leaflets....

Bijugous: Bijugate....

Bike: A nest of wild bees, wasps, or ants; a s...

Bikh: The East Indian name of a virulent poiso...

Bilabiate: Having two lips, as the corols of certai...

Bilaciniate: Doubly fringed....

Bilalo: A two-masted passenger boat or small ves...

Bilamellate: Alt. of Bilamellated...

Bilamellated: Formed of two plates, as the stigma of t...

Bilaminar: Alt. of Bilaminate...

Bilaminate: Formed of, or having, two laminae, or th...

Biland: A byland....

Bilander: A small two-masted merchant vessel, fitt...

Bilateral: Of or pertaining to the two sides of a c...

Bilateral: Having two sides; arranged upon two side...

Bilaterality: State of being bilateral....

Bilberries: of Bilberry...

Bilberry: The European whortleberry (Vaccinium myr...

Bilberry: Any similar plant or its fruit; esp., in...

Bilbo: A long bar or bolt of iron with sliding ...

Bilbo: A rapier; a sword; so named from Bilbao,...

Bilboes: of Bilbo...

Bilboquet: The toy called cup and ball....

Bilcock: The European water rail....

Bildstein: Same as Agalmatolite....

Bile: A yellow, or greenish, viscid fluid, usu...

Bile: A boil....

Bile: Bitterness of feeling; choler; anger; il...

Bilection: That portion of a group of moldings whic...

Bilestone: A gallstone, or biliary calculus. See Bi...

Bilge: To cause to bulge....

Bilge: To fracture the bilge of, or stave in th...

Bilge: To bulge....

Bilge: To suffer a fracture in the bilge; to sp...

Bilge: The protuberant part of a cask, which is...

Bilge: That part of a ship's hull or bottom whi...

Bilge: Bilge water....

Bilged: of Bilge...

Bilging: of Bilge...

Bilgy: Having the smell of bilge water....

Biliary: Relating or belonging to bile; conveying...

Biliation: The production and excretion of bile....

Biliferous: Generating bile....

Bilifuscin: A brownish green pigment found in human ...

Bilimbi: Alt. of Bilimbing...

Bilimbing: The berries of two East Indian species o...

Biliment: A woman's ornament; habiliment....

Bilin: A name applied to the amorphous or cryst...

Bilinear: Of, pertaining to, or included by, two l...

Bilingual: Containing, or consisting of, two langua...

Bilingualism: Quality of being bilingual....

Bilinguar: See Bilingual....

Bilinguist: One versed in two languages....

Bilinguous: Having two tongues, or speaking two lang...

Bilious: Of or pertaining to the bile....

Bilious: Choleric; passionate; ill tempered....

Bilious: Disordered in respect to the bile; troub...

Biliousness: The state of being bilious....

Biliprasin: A dark green pigment found in small quan...

Bilirubin: A reddish yellow pigment present in huma...

Biliteral: A word, syllable, or root, consisting of...

Biliteral: Consisting of two letters; as, a biliter...

Biliteralism: The property or state of being biliteral...

Biliverdin: A green pigment present in the bile, for...

Bilk: Nonsense; vain words....

Bilk: A person who tricks a creditor; an untru...

Bilk: A cheat; a trick; a hoax....

Bilk: A thwarting an adversary in cribbage by ...

Bilk: To frustrate or disappoint; to deceive o...

Bilked: of Bilk...

Bilking: of Bilk...

Bill: The bell, or boom, of the bittern...

Bill: To charge or enter in a bill; as, to bil...

Bill: To advertise by a bill or public notice....

Bill: Any paper, containing a statement of par...

Bill: An account of goods sold, services rende...

Bill: A paper, written or printed, and posted ...

Bill: A form or draft of a law, presented to a...

Bill: A writing binding the signer or signers ...

Bill: A declaration made in writing, stating s...

Bill: To work upon ( as to dig, hoe, hack, or ...

Bill: The extremity of the arm of an anchor; t...

Bill: A pickax, or mattock....

Bill: One who wields a bill; a billman....

Bill: A beak, as of a bird, or sometimes of a ...

bill: An act or a bill conferring upon a chief...

Bill: A weapon of infantry, in the 14th and 15...

Bill: To join bills, as doves; to caress in fo...

Bill: To strike; to peck....

Bill: A cutting instrument, with hook-shaped p...

Bill book: A book in which a person keeps an accoun...

Bill broker: One who negotiates the discount of bills...

Bill holder: A person who holds a bill or acceptance....

Bill holder: A device by means of which bills, etc., ...

Billabong: In Australia, a blind channel leading ou...

Billage: Same as Bilge....

Billard: An English fish, allied to the cod; the ...

Billbeetle: Alt. of Billbug...

Billboard: A flat surface, as of a panel or of a fe...

Billboard: A piece of thick plank, armed with iron ...

Billbug: A weevil or curculio of various species,...

Billed: of Bill...

Billed: Furnished with, or having, a bill, as a ...

Billet: A strap which enters a buckle....

Billet: A loop which receives the end of a buckl...

Billet: An ornament in Norman work, resembling a...

Billet: A short bar of metal, as of gold or iron...

Billet: A small stick of wood, as for firewood....

Billet: To direct, by a ticket or note, where to...

Billet: A ticket from a public officer directing...

Billet: A small paper; a note; a short letter....

Billet: Quarters or place to which one is assign...

Billet: A bearing in the form of an oblong recta...

Billet-doux: A love letter or note....

Billeted: of Billet...

Billethead: A round piece of timber at the bow or st...

Billeting: of Billet...

Billets-doux: of Billet-doux...

Billfish: The American fresh-water garpike (Lepido...

Billfish: The Tetrapturus albidus, a large oceanic...

Billfish: The saury, a slender fish of the Atlanti...

Billfish: A name applied to several distinct fishe...

Billfish: The garfish (Tylosurus, / Belone, longir...

Billhead: A printed form, used by merchants in mak...

Billhook: A thick, heavy knife with a hooked point...

Billiard: Of or pertaining to the game of billiard...

Billiards: A game played with ivory balls o a cloth...

Billing: of Bill...

Billing: Caressing; kissing....

Billingsgate: A market near the Billings gate in Londo...

Billingsgate: Coarsely abusive, foul, or profane langu...

Billion: According to the French and American met...

Billman: One who uses, or is armed with, a bill o...

Billmen: of Billman...

Billon: An alloy of gold and silver with a large...

Billot: Bullion in the bar or mass....

Billow: A great wave or surge of the sea or othe...

Billow: A great wave or flood of anything....

Billow: To surge; to rise and roll in waves or s...

Billowed: of Billow...

Billowing: of Billow...

Billowy: Of or pertaining to billows; swelling or...

Billposter: Alt. of Billsticker...

Billsticker: One whose occupation is to post handbill...

Billy: A slubbing or roving machine....

Billy: A club; esp., a policeman's club....

Billy goat: A male goat....

Billyboy: A flat-bottomed river barge or coasting ...

Billycock: Alt. of Billycock hat...

Billycock hat: A round, low-crowned felt hat; a wideawa...

Bilobate: Divided into two lobes or segments....

Bilobed: Bilobate....

Bilocation: Double location; the state or power of b...

Bilocular: Divided into two cells or compartments; ...

Bilsted: See Sweet gum....

Biltong: Lean meat cut into strips and sun-dried....

Bimaculate: Having, or marked with, two spots....

Bimana: Animals having two hands; -- a term appl...

Bimanous: Having two hands; two-handed....

Bimarginate: Having a double margin, as certain shell...

Bimastism: The condition of having two mammae or te...

Bimedial: Applied to a line which is the sum of tw...

Bimembral: Having two members; as, a bimembral sent...

Bimensal: See Bimonthly, a....

Bimestrial: Continuing two months....

Bimetallic: Of or relating to, or using, a double me...

Bimetallic: Composed of two different metals; formed...

Bimetallism: The legalized use of two metals (as gold...

Bimetallist: An advocate of bimetallism....

Bimolecular: Pertaining to, or formed from, two molec...

Bimonthly: Occurring, done, or coming, once in two ...

Bimonthly: A bimonthly publication....

Bimonthly: Once in two months....

Bimuscular: Having two adductor muscles, as a bivalv...

Bin: A box, frame, crib, or inclosed place, u...

Bin: To put into a bin; as, to bin wine....

Bin: An old form of Be and Been....

Bin-: A euphonic form of the prefix Bi-....

Binal: Twofold; double....

Binarseniate: A salt having two equivalents of arsenic...

Binary: Compounded or consisting of two things o...

Binary: That which is constituted of two figures...

Binate: Double; growing in pairs or couples....

Binaural: Of or pertaining to, or used by, both ea...

Binbashi: A major in the Turkish army....

Bind: To exert a binding or restraining influe...

Bind: Fig.: To oblige, restrain, or hold, by a...

Bind: To bring (any one) under definite legal ...

Bind: To tie, or confine with a cord, band, li...

Bind: To place under legal obligation to serve...

Bind: To sew or fasten together, and inclose i...

Bind: To tie; to confine by any ligature....

Bind: To contract; to grow hard or stiff; to c...

Bind: To be restrained from motion, or from cu...

Bind: That which binds or ties....

Bind: Any twining or climbing plant or stem, e...

Bind: Indurated clay, when much mixed with the...

Bind: To prevent or restrain from customary or...

Bind: To make fast ( a thing) about or upon so...

Bind: To confine, restrain, or hold by physica...

Bind: A ligature or tie for grouping notes....

Bind: To protect or strengthen by a band or bi...

Bind: To cover, as with a bandage; to bandage ...

Binder: One who binds; as, a binder of sheaves; ...

Binder: Anything that binds, as a fillet, cord, ...

Bindery: A place where books, or other articles, ...

Bindheimite: An amorphous antimonate of lead, produce...

Binding: That binds; obligatory....

Binding: The act or process of one who, or that w...

Binding: of Bind...

Binding: Anything that binds; a bandage; the cove...

Binding: The transoms, knees, beams, keelson, and...

Binding post: A metallic post attached to electrical a...

Binding screw: A set screw used to bind parts together,...

Bindingly: So as to bind....

Bindingness: The condition or property of being bindi...

Bindweed: A plant of the genus Convolvulus; as, gr...

Bine: The winding or twining stem of a hop vin...

Binervate: Two-nerved; -- applied to leaves which h...

Binervate: Having only two nerves, as the wings of ...

Bing: A heap or pile; as, a bing of wood....

Biniodide: Same as Diiodide....

Bink: A bench....

Binnacle: A case or box placed near the helmsman, ...

Binned: of Bin...

Binning: of Bin...

Binny: A large species of barbel (Barbus bynni)...

Binocle: A dioptric telescope, fitted with two tu...

Binocular: A binocular glass, whether opera glass, ...

Binocular: Having two eyes....

Binocular: Pertaining to both eyes; employing both ...

Binocular: Adapted to the use of both eyes; as, a b...

Binocularly: In a binocular manner....

Binoculate: Having two eyes....

Binomial: An expression consisting of two terms co...

Binomial: Consisting of two terms; pertaining to b...

Binomial: Having two names; -- used of the system ...

Binominal: Of or pertaining to two names; binomial....

Binominous: Binominal....

Binotonous: Consisting of two notes; as, a binotonou...

Binous: Same as Binate....

Binoxalate: A salt having two equivalents of oxalic ...

Binoxide: Same as Dioxide....

Binturong: A small Asiatic civet of the genus Arcti...

Binuclear: Alt. of Binucleate...

Binucleate: Having two nuclei; as, binucleate cells....

Binucleolate: Having two nucleoli....

Bioblast: Same as Bioplast....

Biocellate: Having two ocelli (eyelike spots); -- sa...

Biochemistry: The chemistry of living organisms; the c...

Biodynamic: Alt. of Biodynamical...

Biodynamical: Of or pertaining to biodynamics, or the ...

Biodynamics: The branch of biology which treats of th...

Biodynamics: The doctrine of vital forces or energy....

Biogen: Bioplasm....

Biogenesis: Alt. of Biogeny...

Biogenetic: Pertaining to biogenesis....

Biogenist: A believer in the theory of biogenesis....

Biogeny: Life development generally....

Biogeny: A doctrine that the genesis or productio...

Biogeography: The branch of biology which deals with t...

Biognosis: The investigation of life....

Biograph: A biographical sketch....

Biograph: An animated picture machine for screen p...

Biographer: One who writes an account or history of ...

Biographic: Alt. of Biographical...

Biographical: Of or pertaining to biography; containin...

Biographies: of Biography...

Biographize: To write a history of the life of....

Biography: Biographical writings in general....

Biography: The written history of a person's life....

Biologic: Alt. of Biological...

Biological: Of or relating to biology....

Biologist: A student of biology; one versed in the ...

Biology: The science of life; that branch of know...

Biolysis: The destruction of life....

Biolytic: Relating to the destruction of life....

Biomagnetic: Relating to biomagnetism....

Biomagnetism: Animal magnetism....

Biometry: Measurement of life; calculation of the ...

Bion: The physiological individual, characteri...

Bionomy: Physiology....

Biophor Biophore: One of the smaller vital units of a cell...

Biophotophone: An instrument combining a cinematograph ...

Bioplasm: A name suggested by Dr. Beale for the ge...

Bioplasmic: Pertaining to, or consisting of, bioplas...

Bioplast: A tiny mass of bioplasm, in itself a liv...

Bioplastic: Bioplasmic....

Bioplastic: Bioplasmic....

Biopsychic: Alt. of Biopsychical...

Biopsychical: Pertaining to psychical phenomena in the...

Biorgan: A physiological organ; a living organ; a...

Bioscope: A view of life; that which gives such a ...

Bioscope: An animated picture machine for screen p...

Biostatics: The physical phenomena of organized bodi...

Biostatistics: Vital statistics....

Biotaxy: The classification of living organisms a...

Biotic: Relating to life; as, the biotic princip...

Biotite: Mica containing iron and magnesia, gener...

Bipalmate: Palmately branched, with the branches ag...

Biparietal: Of or pertaining to the diameter of the ...

Biparous: Bringing forth two at a birth....

Bipartible: Capable of being divided into two parts....

Bipartient: A number that divides another into two e...

Bipartient: Dividing into two parts....

Bipartile: Divisible into two parts....

Bipartite: Being in two parts; having two correspon...

Bipartite: Divided into two parts almost to the bas...

Bipartition: The act of dividing into two parts, or o...

Bipectinate: Alt. of Bipectinated...

Bipectinated: Having two margins toothed like a comb....

Biped: Having two feet; two-footed....

Biped: A two-footed animal, as man....

Bipedal: Having two feet; biped....

Bipedal: Pertaining to a biped....

Bipeltate: Having a shell or covering like a double...

Bipennate: Alt. of Bipennated...

Bipennated: Having two wings....

Bipennis: An ax with an edge or blade on each side...

Bipetalous: Having two petals....

Bipinnaria: The larva of certain starfishes as devel...

Bipinnate: Alt. of Bipinnated...

Bipinnated: Twice pinnate....

Bipinnatifid: Doubly pinnatifid....

Biplane: Having, or consisting of, two superposed...

Biplane: An aeroplane with two main supporting su...

Biplicate: Twice folded together....

Biplicity: The state of being twice folded; redupli...

Bipolar: Doubly polar; having two poles; as, a bi...

Bipolarity: Bipolar quality....

Bipont: Alt. of Bipontine...

Bipontine: Relating to books printed at Deuxponts, ...

Biprism: A prism whose refracting angle is very n...

Biprism: A combination of two short rectangular g...

Bipunctate: Having two punctures, or spots....

Bipunctual: Having two points....

Bipupillate: Having an eyelike spot on the wing, with...

Bipyramidal: Consisting of two pyramids placed base t...

Biquadrate: The fourth power, or the square of the s...

Biquadratic: A biquadratic equation....

Biquadratic: Of or pertaining to the biquadrate, or f...

Biquadratic: A biquadrate....

Biquintile: An aspect of the planets when they are d...

Biradiate: Alt. of Biradiated...

Biradiated: Having two rays; as, a biradiate fin....

Biramous: Having, or consisting of, two branches....

Birch: To whip with a birch rod or twig; to flo...

Birch: A birch-bark canoe....

Birch: A birch twig or birch twigs, used for fl...

Birch: The wood or timber of the birch....

Birch: A tree of several species, constituting ...

Birch: Of or pertaining to the birch; birchen....

Birched: of Birch...

Birchen: Of or relating to birch....

Birches: of Birch...

Birching: of Birch...

Bird: Orig., a chicken; the young of a fowl; a...

Bird: Specifically, among sportsmen, a game bi...

Bird: Fig.: A girl; a maiden....

Bird: A warmblooded, feathered vertebrate pro...

Bird: Hence: To seek for game or plunder; to t...

Bird: To catch or shoot birds....

Bird cage: Alt. of Birdcage...

Bird cherry: A shrub (Prunus Padus ) found in Norther...

Bird fancier: One who has for sale the various kinds o...

Bird fancier: One who takes pleasure in rearing or col...

Bird of paradise: The name of several very beautiful birds...

Bird pepper: A species of capsicum (Capsicum baccatum...

Birdbolt: A short blunt arrow for killing birds wi...

Birdbolt: Anything which smites without penetratin...

Birdcage: A cage for confining birds....

Birdcall: A sound made in imitation of the note or...

Birdcall: An instrument of any kind, as a whistle,...

Birdcatcher: One whose employment it is to catch bird...

Birdcatching: The art, act, or occupation or catching ...

Birder: A birdcatcher....

Bird-eyed: Quick-sighted; catching a glance as one ...

Birdie: A pretty or dear little bird; -- a pet n...

Birdikin: A young bird....

Birding: Birdcatching or fowling....

Birdlet: A little bird; a nestling....

Birdlike: Resembling a bird....

Birdlime: To smear with birdlime; to catch with bi...

Birdlime: An extremely adhesive viscid substance, ...

Birdling: A little bird; a nestling....

Birdman: A fowler or birdcatcher....

Birdman: An aviator; airman....

Bird's nest: Alt. of Bird's-nest...

Bird's-beak: A molding whose section is thought to re...

Birdseed: Canary seed, hemp, millet or other small...

Bird's-eye: A plant with a small bright flower, as t...

Bird's-eye: Marked with spots resembling bird's eyes...

Bird's-eye: Seen from above, as if by a flying bird;...

Bird's-eye maple: See under Maple....

Bird's-foot: A papilionaceous plant, the Ornithopus, ...

Bird's-mouth: An interior angle or notch cut across a ...

Bird's-nest: An orchideous plant with matted roots, o...

Bird's-nest: The nest in which a bird lays eggs and h...

Bird's-nest: The nest of a small swallow (Collocalia ...

Bird's-nesting: Hunting for, or taking, birds' nests or ...

Bird's-tongue: The knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare)....

Bird-witted: Flighty; passing rapidly from one subjec...

Birdwoman: An airwoman; an aviatress....

Birectangular: Containing or having two right angles; a...

Bireme: An ancient galley or vessel with two ban...

Biretta: Same as Berretta....

Birgander: See Bergander....

Birk: A small European minnow (Leuciscus phoxi...

Birk: A birch tree....

Birken: To whip with a birch or rod....

Birken: Birchen; as, birken groves....

Birkie: A lively or mettlesome fellow....

Birl: To revolve or cause to revolve; to spin....

Birl: To pour (beer or wine); to ply with drin...

Birlaw: A law made by husbandmen respecting rura...

Birostrate: Alt. of Birostrated...

Birostrated: Having a double beak, or two processes r...

Birr: To make, or move with, a whirring noise,...

Birr: A whirring sound, as of a spinning wheel...

Birr: A rush or impetus; force....

Birred: of Birr...

Birring: of Birr...

Birrus: A coarse kind of thick woolen cloth, wor...

Birse: A bristle or bristles....

Birt: A fish of the turbot kind; the brill....

Birth: The act of bringing forth; as, she had t...

Birth: The act or fact of coming into life, or ...

Birth: Lineage; extraction; descent; sometimes,...

Birth: The condition to which a person is born;...

Birth: That which is born; that which is produc...

Birth: See Berth....

Birth: Origin; beginning; as, the birth of an e...

Birthday: The day of the month in which a person w...

Birthday: Of or pertaining to the day of birth, or...

Birthday: The day in which any person is born; day...

Birthdom: The land of one's birth; one's inheritan...

Birthing: Anything added to raise the sides of a s...

Birthless: Of mean extraction....

Birthmark: Some peculiar mark or blemish on the bod...

Birthnight: The night in which a person is born; the...

Birthplace: The town, city, or country, where a pers...

Birthright: Any right, privilege, or possession to w...

Birthroot: An herbaceous plant (Trillium erectum), ...

Birthwort: A genus of herbs and shrubs (Aristolochi...

Bis: Twice; -- a word showing that something ...

Bis-: A form of Bi-, sometimes used before s, ...

Bisa antelope: See Oryx....

Bisaccate: Having two little bags, sacs, or pouches...

Biscayan: Of or pertaining to Biscay in Spain....

Biscayan: A native or inhabitant of Biscay....

Biscotin: A confection made of flour, sugar, marma...

Biscuit: A species of white, unglazed porcelain, ...

Biscuit: A kind of unraised bread, of many variet...

Biscuit: A small loaf or cake of bread, raised an...

Biscuit: Earthen ware or porcelain which has unde...

Biscutate: Resembling two bucklers placed side by s...

Bise: See Bice....

Bise: A pale blue pigment, prepared from the n...

Bise: A cold north wind which prevails on the ...

Bisect: To cut or divide into two parts....

Bisect: To divide into two equal parts....

Bisected: of Bisect...

Bisecting: of Bisect...

Bisection: Division into two parts, esp. two equal ...

Bisector: One who, or that which, bisects; esp. (G...

Bisectrix: The line bisecting the angle between the...

Bisegment: One of tow equal parts of a line, or oth...

Biseptate: With two partitions or septa....

Biserial: Alt. of Biseriate...

Biseriate: In two rows or series....

Biserrate: Serrate on both sides, as some antennae....

Biserrate: Doubly serrate, or having the serratures...

Bisetose: Alt. of Bisetous...

Bisetous: Having two bristles....

Bisexous: Bisexual....

Bisexual: Of both sexes; hermaphrodite; as a flowe...

Bisexuous: Bisexual....

Biseye: p. p. of Besee....

Bish: Same as Bikh....

Bishop: In the Roman Catholic, Greek, and Anglic...

Bishop: In the Methodist Episcopal and some othe...

Bishop: A piece used in the game of chess, beari...

Bishop: A beverage, being a mixture of wine, ora...

Bishop: An old name for a woman's bustle....

Bishop: To admit into the church by confirmation...

Bishop: To make seem younger, by operating on th...

Bishop: A spiritual overseer, superintendent, or...

Bishop sleeve: A wide sleeve, once worn by women....

Bishopdom: Jurisdiction of a bishop; episcopate....

Bishoped: of Bishop...

Bishoped: of Bishop...

Bishoping: of Bishop...

Bishoping: of Bishop...

Bishoplike: Resembling a bishop; belonging to a bish...

Bishoply: Bishoplike; episcopal....

Bishoply: In the manner of a bishop....

Bishopric: A diocese; the district over which the j...

Bishopric: The office of a spiritual overseer, as o...

Bishop's cap: A plant of the genus Mitella; miterwort....

Bishop's length: A canvas for a portrait measuring 58 by ...

Bishop-stool: A bishop's seat or see....

Bishop's-weed: Goutweed (Aegopodium podagraria)....

Bishop's-weed: An umbelliferous plant of the genus Ammi...

Bishop's-wort: Wood betony (Stachys betonica); also, th...

Bisie: To busy; to employ....

Bisilicate: A salt of metasilicic acid; -- so called...

Bisk: Soup or broth made by boiling several so...

Bisk: See Bisque....

Biskara boil: Alt. of Biskara button...

Biskara button: Same as Aleppo boil....

Bismare: Alt. of Bismer...

Bismer: The fifteen-spined (Gasterosteus spinach...

Bismer: A rule steelyard....

Bismer: Shame; abuse....

Bismillah: An adjuration or exclamation common amon...

Bismite: Bismuth trioxide, or bismuth ocher....

Bismuth: One of the elements; a metal of a reddis...

Bismuthal: Containing bismuth....

Bismuthic: Of or pertaining to bismuth; containing ...

Bismuthiferous: Containing bismuth....

Bismuthine: Alt. of Bismuthinite...

Bismuthinite: Native bismuth sulphide; -- sometimes ca...

Bismuthous: Of, or containing, bismuth, when this el...

Bismuthyl: Hydrous carbonate of bismuth, an earthy ...

Bison: The American bison buffalo (Bison Americ...

Bison: The aurochs or European bison....

Bispinose: Having two spines....

Bisque: A point taken by the receiver of odds in...

Bisque: Unglazed white porcelain....

Bisque: A white soup made of crayfish....

Bissell truck: A truck for railroad rolling stock, cons...

Bissextile: Leap year; every fourth year, in which a...

Bissextile: Pertaining to leap year....

Bisson: Purblind; blinding....

Bister: Alt. of Bistre...

Bistipuled: Having two stipules....

Bistort: An herbaceous plant of the genus Polygon...

Bistouries: of Bistoury...

Bistoury: A surgical instrument consisting of a sl...

Bistre: See Bister....

Bistre: A dark brown pigment extracted from the ...

Bisulcate: Having two grooves or furrows....

Bisulcate: Cloven; said of a foot or hoof....

Bisulcous: Bisulcate....

Bisulphate: A sulphate in which but half the hydroge...

Bisulphide: A sulphide having two atoms of sulphur i...

Bisulphite: A salt of sulphurous acid in which the b...

Bisulphuret: See Bisulphide....

Bit: A part of anything, such as may be bitte...

Bit: The part of a bridle, usually of iron, w...

Bit: Fig.: Anything which curbs or restrains....

Bit: To put a bridle upon; to put the bit in ...

Bit: imp. & p. p. of Bite....

Bit: Somewhat; something, but not very great....

Bit: The part of a key which enters the lock ...

Bit: The cutting iron of a plane....

Bit: In the Southern and Southwestern States,...

Bit: 3d sing. pr. of Bid, for biddeth....

Bit: A tool for boring, of various forms and ...

Bit: of Bite...

Bit: In the British West Indies, a fourpenny ...

Bit: of Bite...

Bitake: To commend; to commit....

Bitangent: Possessing the property of touching at t...

Bitangent: A line that touches a curve in two point...

Bitartrate: A salt of tartaric acid in which the bas...

Bitch: The female of the canine kind, as of the...

Bitch: An opprobrious name for a woman, especia...

Bite: To cheat; to trick; to take in....

Bite: To cause sharp pain, or smarting, to; to...

Bite: To puncture, abrade, or sting with an or...

Bite: The hold which the short end of a lever ...

Bite: To take hold of; to hold fast; to adhere...

Bite: To seize something forcibly with the tee...

Bite: To cause a smarting sensation; to have a...

Bite: To cause sharp pain; to produce anguish;...

Bite: To take a bait into the mouth, as a fish...

Bite: To take or keep a firm hold; as, the anc...

Bite: The act of seizing with the teeth or mou...

Bite: The act of puncturing or abrading with a...

Bite: To seize with the teeth, so that they en...

Bite: A morsel; as much as is taken at once by...

Bite: A cheat; a trick; a fraud....

Bite: A sharper; one who cheats....

Bite: A blank on the edge or corner of a page,...

Bite: The wound made by biting; as, the pain o...

Biter: One who, or that which, bites; that whic...

Biter: One who cheats; a sharper....

Biternate: Doubly ternate, as when a petiole has th...

Bitheism: Belief in the existence of two gods; dua...

Biting: of Bite...

Biting: That bites; sharp; cutting; sarcastic; c...

Biting in: The process of corroding or eating into ...

Bitingly: In a biting manner....

Bitless: Not having a bit or bridle....

Bito: Alt. of Bito tree...

Bito tree: A small scrubby tree (Balanites Aegyptia...

Bitstock: A stock or handle for holding and rotati...

Bitt: See Bitts....

Bitt: To put round the bitts; as, to bitt the ...

Bittacle: A binnacle....

Bitted: of Bit...

Bitten: p. p. of Bite....

Bitten: Terminating abruptly, as if bitten off; ...

Bitten: of Bite...

Bitter: Characterized by sharpness, severity, or...

Bitter: AA turn of the cable which is round the ...

Bitter: Causing, or fitted to cause, pain or dis...

Bitter: Mournful; sad; distressing; painful; pit...

Bitter: To make bitter....

Bitter: Any substance that is bitter. See Bitter...

Bitter: Causing pain or smart; piercing; painful...

Bitter: Having a peculiar, acrid, biting taste, ...

Bitter spar: A common name of dolomite; -- so called ...

Bitterbump: the butterbump or bittern....

Bitterful: Full of bitterness....

Bittering: A bitter compound used in adulterating b...

Bitterish: Somewhat bitter....

Bitterling: A roachlike European fish (Rhodima amaru...

Bitterly: In a bitter manner....

Bittern: A wading bird of the genus Botaurus, all...

Bittern: The brine which remains in salt works af...

Bittern: A very bitter compound of quassia, coccu...

Bitterness: The quality or state of being bitter, sh...

Bitterness: A state of extreme impiety or enmity to ...

Bitterness: Dangerous error, or schism, tending to d...

Bitternut: The swamp hickory (Carya amara). Its thi...

Bitterroot: A plant (Lewisia rediviva) allied to the...

Bitters: A liquor, generally spirituous in which ...

Bittersweet: A kind of apple so called....

Bittersweet: Anything which is bittersweet....

Bittersweet: Sweet and then bitter or bitter and then...

Bittersweet: A climbing shrub, with oval coral-red be...

Bittersweet: An American woody climber (Celastrus sca...

Bitterweed: A species of Ambrosia (A. artemisiaefoli...

Bitterwood: A West Indian tree (Picraena excelsa) fr...

Bitterwort: The yellow gentian (Gentiana lutea), whi...

Bitting: of Bit...

Bittock: A small bit of anything, of indefinite s...

Bittor Bittour: The bittern....

Bitts: A frame of two strong timbers fixed perp...

Bitume: Bitumen....

Bitumed: Smeared with bitumen....

Bitumen: Mineral pitch; a black, tarry substance,...

Bitumen: By extension, any one of the natural hyd...

Bitumen process: Any process in which advantage is taken...

Bituminate: To treat or impregnate with bitumen; to ...

Bituminated: of Bituminate...

Bituminating: of Bituminate...

Bituminiferous: Producing bitumen....

Bituminization: The process of bituminizing....

Bituminize: To prepare, treat, impregnate, or coat w...

Bituminized: of Bituminize...

Bituminizing: of Bituminize...

Bituminous: Having the qualities of bitumen; compoun...

Biuret: A white, crystalline, nitrogenous substa...

Bivalency: The quality of being bivalent....

Bivalent: Equivalent in combining or displacing po...

Bivalve: A pericarp in which the seed case opens ...

Bivalve: Having two shells or valves which open a...

Bivalve: A mollusk having a shell consisting of t...

Bivalved: Having two valves, as the oyster and som...

Bivalvous: Bivalvular....

Bivalvular: Having two valves....

Bivaulted: Having two vaults or arches....

Bivector: A term made up of the two parts / + /1 /...

Biventral: Having two bellies or protuberances; as,...

Bivial: Of or relating to the bivium....

Bivious: Having, or leading, two ways....

Bivium: One side of an echinoderm, including a p...

Bivouac: To encamp for the night without tents or...

Bivouac: To watch at night or be on guard, as a w...

Bivouac: An encampment for the night without tent...

Bivouac: The watch of a whole army by night, when...

Bivouacked: of Bivouac...

Bivouacking: of Bivouac...

Biweekly: A publication issued every two weeks....

Biweekly: Occurring or appearing once every two we...

Biwreye: To bewray; to reveal....

Bizantine: See Byzantine....

Bizarre: Odd in manner or appearance; fantastic; ...

Bizet: The upper faceted portion of a brilliant...

985 results found


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Wiki User

13y ago

Words that have the prefix 'bi' are:

  1. bipolar
  2. bisexual
  3. Biology
  4. binoculars
  5. bifocals
  6. biannual, bimonthly, biweekly, bicentennial
  7. binary
  8. bicameral
  9. bicarbonate
  10. biped
  11. biceps
  12. bicoastal
  13. bicuspid
  14. bicycle
  15. bifurcate
  16. bigamy
  17. bilateral
  18. bilingual
  19. binomial
  20. bipartisan
  21. biplane
  22. biracial
  23. bisect
  24. bivalve
  25. biscuit, biscotti (twice baked)
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Wiki User

13y ago
  1. biannual
  2. biathlon
  3. bicameral
  4. bicentennial
  5. bicep
  6. bicone
  7. bicultural
  8. bicycle
  9. biennial
  10. bifocals
  11. bilateral
  12. bilingual
  13. bimodal
  14. bimonthly
  15. binary
  16. binoculars
  17. biplane
  18. bipolar
  19. biracial
  20. bisect
  21. biweekly
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14y ago







Bi is a prefix that means two.

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Wiki User

9y ago

Bible, big, bigger, big-hearted, bike, bikini, bird, bitter and bizarre are words. They begin with the letter bi.

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13y ago

biexual biological biology

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11y ago

I dont no

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Q: Some words that begin with bi?
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What are some words that begin with bi meaning 2?

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Words that begin with bi?

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What words begin with quad tri and bi?

Quadrant and quadruped are words that begin with quad. Triad, trial, triangle, tribe, tribunal and trick are words that begin with tri. Bias, bib, bible, bicycle, bid and bird are words that begin with bi.

What words begin with th pregix 'bi-'?


What are some scientific words with the prefix bi?

Some scientific words with the prefix 'bi' are:bicepsbiconcavebiconvexbicuspidbidirectionalbifunctionalbifurcatebilateralbilinearbimodalbiologybiped, bipedalbipodbipolarbiracialbisectbisexualbivalve

What are some animals that begin with the letters BI?


What are some words that begin with bi?

Biodome bio- biography auto-biography there are many others Bills, bit, big, and bin. You can also add on suffixes and prefixes to get more words. Bi is used as a prefix alot too. Such as the word "bicycle".

What words begin with bi and means having 2 wheels?

I am totally not sureDuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

What are some names of animals that begin with 'Bi' and have two feet?


Words starting with bi?

Some words starting with "bi" include bicycle, biology, bit, and big.

What spanish words begin with Bi?

· bienvenido (welcome) · bilingue (bilingual) · biblioteca (library)

What are words that begin with bi and mean 2?

Bicycle, Bilingual, Binoculars, Bifocal, Biped