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most properly kill you!

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Q: What would Hitler say if you asked him Why did you want to kill everyone just to be more powerful?
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Why did people cooperate with Hitler?

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What would happen if Hitler succeeded?

Everyone who was not blond haired, blue eyed, and retarded would die.

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Hitler actually declared himself the sole ruler and told everyone to follow his commands or else he would kill them!

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The assignment was not clear; everyone asked questions. Put the semicolon between two sentences that could stand on their own.

What rank was Hitler during Holocaust?

Hitler was the leader of the Holocaust. He told the Nazi party what to do and when to do it. He had full and complete power over everyone and if they didn't do it they would be killed.

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This is a question everyone might have a different answer to. Just think to yourself what thing you would want someone to know about you. Figure it out and think of an answer.

Did Hitler want a utopia?

yes..why else would he have been trying to exterminate everyone who wasnt the perfect race?

Why did Hitler target women?

because he had to, he had to target everyone or he would not get elected.

Why did Hitler kill himself and order Eva Braun to take poison?

Hitler knew that the soviet union troops were entering into Germany and were heading close to his bunker in Berlin. Hitler was told that he should try to escape, Hitler rejected because he heard rumors that if the Russians caught him they would put him in a big cage and drag him around like an animal. Hitler decided that committing suicide would spare him the humiliation. So he asked Eva Braun to marry him and asked her to commit suicide. Eva agreed because she thought that she couldn't live without Hitler, So Hitler and Eva took sleeping pills and Hitler also shot himself. In Hitler's will he ordered his body be cremated and barried well so that the Russians couldn't get him. Hitler ordered Eva to kill herself. so the others would not get her as well because she would be in troble to.

Why did Hitler have such a desire or hope to kill people?

He was basically a horrible, racist man. He wanted to design some sort of super human race, where everyone had blue eyes and black hair, everyone had the same religion, nobody had uncurable diseases and most of all, everyone would look up to him. He wanted to make himself look powerful, so he killed everyone he felt like killing, for example, Jews and AIDs people.

Why was World War 2 the last ww?

Becasue everyone that was fighting, except for hitler... wanted it to end but hitler was killing jews and taking control and he would kill anyone who disobeyed him. when jitler finally commmited suicide, everyone decided to do the unconditional surender.