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it means when a female and a male and they produce a baby and the baby grows up it gives birth

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Q: What would be produced when male reproductive cells join with a female reproductive cell?
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How would a mutation affect the next generation?

If the mutation were in the gametes. Male and female reproductive cells.

Where in the female reproductive system would you find estrogen and progestrone?

They are in ovaries.They are produced and work on ovaries

What are produced in both male in female reproductive systems in humans?

The question is easy this might be a joke but who cares the answer isfemale: eggsmale: sperm^.^ the question was in BOTH this was an easy question and the answer for BOTH would be sex cells

What are produced in both male and female reproductive systems in humans?

The question is easy this might be a joke but who cares the answer isfemale: eggsmale: sperm^.^ the question was in BOTH this was an easy question and the answer for BOTH would be sex cells

Female reproductive cell?

There are two main female reproductive cells called estrogen and progesterone. If the female does not have those two and instead testosterone, the male reproductive cell, the woman would turn into a man and grow a big humongous penis, about 9-12 inches long. So watch out guys, the woman can have a penis if they have more testosterone than any other female reproductive cells. thank you and have a good day! :)

Where are the gametes of an animal produced?

The gametes of a male animal are produced in the testes, and the gametes of a female animal are produced in the ovaries.They are developed in these gonads from specialized cells called germ cells.

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Where would you locate haploid cells in a cat?

Presumably a cat's reproductive cells (eggs, sperm) would be haploid.

Is pain in the right leg associated with the female reproductive system?

No I can not see how that would be.

What are reproductive organs that produce gametes in both males and female's?

That would be the Gonads.

What are reproductive organs that produced gametes in both males and females called?

That would be the Gonads.

Why wouldn't a mutation in a non-reproductive cell be passed on to offspring?

If this mutation isn't present with a gamete cell, then it can not be passed onto the offspring. A non-reproductive cell would be cells that are highly organzied such as nerve cells or brain cells.