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It depends on the type of assault (Simple - Sexual - Battery - Weapon - etc) and the age of the minor. Assault is 'assault' no matter the age of the victim but it can be enhanced by additional charges of cruelty to a minor - or similar type charge.

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Q: What would be the charge for an adult who assaults a minor?
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What charge would a 16 year old get for assault?

If the court does not wave the minor to adult court the judge con only give the minor four years. until that person is 21. STATED BY AUTHOR

Would a minor be trialed as an adult for possession of 53 lb. of marijuana?

Yeah- that is a pretty adult amount. That quantity of drugs would result in a charge of possession for distribution- since no one would have 53 lbs of marijuana for personal use- not even Willy Nelson.

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Depends on what the text is about. If it is sexual, yes the adult would get into trouble. If it were just as friends, I suppose not. But I am not really sure

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it depends on how the minor's parents feel about the issue. If they like the adult then its ok. But remember one mistake and it all messes up because if anything happened then the adult can be arrested as a pedo

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He could be charged as a minor (juvenile) or as an adult for the crime, based on his age and severity of the offense.

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The minor can void the contract. If they affirm it after they become an adult, it would become valid.

How old do you have to be to take somebody to court?

Legally - an adult. If you are a minor - your parents or guardian would have to do it.

In Illinois can a pregnant 16-year-old who is out of high school marry a 32-year-old without parental consent?

No. The AOC for the state is 17. Therefore the adult male can be charged with numerous criminal offenses if authorities choose to do so. The pregnancy issue is irrelevant other than evidence that the relationship was sexual. The minor would need parental consent and also approval from the court before she would be allowed to marry. Authorities reserve the right to arrest, charge and prosecute any adult who violates existing laws pertaining to adult and minor relationships, without the co-operation of the minor or the minor's parents or legal guardian.

Which word is an antonym for minor?

The answer depends upon which meaning of the word minor that you are thinking about. If you mean minor as in underaged, the opposite would be an adult. You could also say "of age." If you mean minor league, the opposite would be major league. If you mean minor as in small or insignificant, the opposite would be important.

In Missouri can an 18-year-old be charged with assault on a minor if he is in a physical altercation with a 17-year-old?

It depends upon the circumstances of the physical encounter. If the minor initiated the fight then the young adult would simply be defending themselves. Missouri as most US states can charge and prosecute a 17-year-old as an adult if the situation warrants.

What age can a minor move out without parental consent in DE?

The Legal Age is 16 you are still responsible for them until this age where ever they may be .

What is the consequence in Illinois to an unauthorized adult taking a minor out after curfew?

There is no definitive answer. It would depend on the circumstances.