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Q: What would be the difference between a linear meter and a normal meter when measuring a 3 meter length of timber?
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Is the length measuring from the side or the top?

Either, although conventionally, the length is the largest linear dimension.

Difference between linear meter and a meter?

Each refers to a length of 1 metre.

How many linear feet of 2 acres?

Ask your teacher to explain again the difference between area and length...

What is the difference between the units for linear measurement and units for measuring perimeter?

A linear unit is a one-dimensionn line; a square unit is area. A linear unit is a distance measurment like 1 inch, 2 miles, or 3 kilometers. A square unit is expressed in square, like 2 square feet.

What is the measuring difference between height and length?

Both height and length are linear measurements. The units of measure are the same. Height -- not heighth -- is synonymous with altitude, and can be thought of as the distance above the ground, as in the height of a skyscraper or the height of a tall tree (or any tree, for that matter).

How many linear yards is 4000 square yards?

Why don't you know the difference between a length and an area? Talk to your teacher!

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How many feet is a linear foot?

The term linear foot just means that you are measuring in a straight line. It's still the same length, a linear foot is a foot, 12 inches.

What is the difference between linear and nonlinear demand functions?

distinguish between linear and non linear demands funcions

How do you figure sixty two linear inches?

62 linear inches is the same as a length of 62 inches. You don't need to figure, just get a measuring tape!

What is the difference between linear text and non linear text?

don't know

What is the difference between inch and linear inch?

None. A linear inch IS an inch.