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.Fewer hydrogen ions will be pumped into the thylakoid.

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Q: What will be the result of photo-system II being exposed to less sun light?
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Is photosystem 2 light dependent?

Both photosystem 2 & 1 are light-dependent.

How many times are electrons energized during photosynthesis?

The thylakoid membrane contains 2 photosytems, known as Photosystem I and Photosystem II. Together, they function to absorb light and transfer energy to electrons.

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What happen to the light energy that is trapped by the chloroplast during the first stage of photosynthesis?

Light energy is not exactly trapped. The light energy excites the electron in the reaction centres of photosystem I and photosystem II. The electron excites and transfers to the electron transport chain ( chain of electron carriers), this produces ATP. Then the electron of photosystem II is transferred by photosystem I and the electron of the photosystem I is used with H+ and NADP to form NADPH. Photosystem II gets back an electron from photolysis of water.

What is the difference between photosystem one and two?

The difference between photosystem one and two is their type of light reaction.

How do photosystem 1 and 2 allow the calvin cycle to work?

No. Photosystems I and II are where light-dependent reactions occur, while the Calvin Cycle is where light-independent reactions occur. Photosynthesis begins with Photosystem II, then Photosystem I, then the products from there go to the Calvin Cycle. (yes photosystem II comes before photosystem I)

Where do electrons come from and how it gains energy during the light reaction?

They come from Photosystem ll. Photosystem ll gets them by ripping the electrons off of water by a process called photolysis. Electrons gain energy first in Photosystem ll, then later in photosystem l, through the absorption of energy from light.

Which photosystem is used first in photosynthesis?

Photosystem 2 happens in photosynthesis before photosystem 1. However they are numbered in order of how they were discovered. Photosystem 1 was discovered before photosystem 2. In photosynthesis the order of them is 2 then 1. meaning that photosystem 1 was discovered 1st but photosystem 2 happens 1st in photosynthesis

What is a role of photosystem 2 in light reactions?

Photosystem two produces O2, ATP, and NADP+

What is photosystem 11?

It's photosystem II, in the electron transport chain of photosynthesis where light is used to create O2 and H.

What is true about the light reaction?

photosynthesis begins when pigments in photosystem i absorb light.

What does the energy come from to make NADPH in the light reaction?

Photosystem 1