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Congestive heart failure is a condition in which the heart's function as a pump is weakened. It is an example of what can happen when things like longstanding alcohol abuse, high blood pressure and coronary artery disease are allowed to go untreated.

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Q: What would congestive heart failure be an example of?
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What are the daily recommended dosages of CQ10 for patients that take statins?

A starting dose would be 100mg twice daily; increased to 200mg twice daily if you had arrhythmias or congestive heart failure.

Why would your body flutter or shake inside?

be more specific-heart attack- orgasm- shock-?

What is average heart beat of a fetus at birth?

I would expect the heart rate to be zero as a fetus would be non viable outside of the womb.If you meant a child at the time of birth, that's different.A typical newborn right at birth (and prior to it) will have a heart rate somewhere between 110-160 on average.Once born, this typically slows a little bit but is still in a range of about 90-160.The average heart rate continues to slow through childhood until it reaches an average of 60-100 (the adult range) by the teenage years.

Ideal resting heart rate for a 47 year old male?

A good estimation for MAXIMUM heart rate is:- 208 - 0.7xage =208 - 0.7x47 =208 - 32.9 =175.1 Resting heart rate depends primarily on fitness level and something in the region of 55-70 would be considered normal by most physicians.

What does average heart rate mean?

It is the heart rate that most of the people in the population have. But beyond that it does not mean much; if a doctor was trying to decide if your heart rate was high or low, they would use charts which take into account your age, weight and height. Don't compare yourself to 'average'. Alternatively, it may be the 'average' of your heartrate throughout the day.

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Congestive heart failure involving the right side of the heart would be evident in the body as?

Congestive heart failure involving the right side of the heart would be evident in the body as edematous feet.

Who would you not give aldosterone too?

Some one with congestive heart failure.

What are three conditions in which a bundle branch block would appear on the ECG?

Congestive heart failure heart attack and heart failure of other origin

Would you expect a person with congestive heart failure to have a faster or slower heart rate at rest?


Abbreviation for congesstive cardiac failure?

It would normally be called congestive heart failure, not cardiac, CHF is the abbreviation.

What condition would cause shortness of breath and inspiratory rales?

congestive heart failure and pulmonary edema

A patient taking digitails would probably have what type of disease?

patient would have congestive heart failure and heart rythm problems. this medication is is taken to strengthen the heart.

What would happen if your kidneys did not get rid if excess water?

If the kidneys did not excrete excess water, a person would fill up with water in their tissues causing edema leading to congestive heart failure, congestive pulmonary failure and death. Unfortunately, this is exactly what happens in kidney failure - the kidneys don't maintain the proper water/salt balance, the body accumulates more water than it needs, the person's blood pressure goes up because the blood volume increases, the heart is damaged by the extra volume and eventually the person dies of congestive heart failure.

Is green tea bad for people with Congestive Heart Failure?

Green tea might be harmful for some patients with congestive heart failure, if they express Th2 dominance (these are particular cells of the immune system that might be in imbalance with Th1 cells of the immune system; in some cardiac failure patients). Because green tea enhances this imbalance, the severity of the patient's symptoms might worsen. Saying that, it would be wise to speak to your doctor who knows more about the patient's heart failure.

What can a dog with congestive heart failure expect on their las days?

The patient would receive intravenous pain killer. They will make you as comfortable as possible.

Would you fly to the Dominican Republic for vacation seven weeks after beginning diagnosed with congestive heart failure?

If your doctor hasn't said anything against it, I say go for it.

Does cayenne pepper help in cases of congestive heart failure?

Cayenne pepper is a potent blood circulation stimulant. Obviously, improving blood circulation is important to a healthy heart. It is known for its ability to stop heart attacks, and regulate blood pressure. In Chinese medicine, we are able to evaluate the Yin/Yang balance of the body, and specific organ systems. Often times, very hot herbs can exacerbate Yang conditions in the body. For example, the stomach can become 'Yin Deficient', a condition that may have signs of intense hunger and thirst. This condition would be intensified with the use of cayenne, as would many, many other conditions. There are many herbs that would safely address congestive heart failure that do not disrupt the Yin/Yang balance of the body; hawthorn, linden, and yarrow come to mind. There are also well balanced formulas that contain gentle blood movers, such as red sage, that help to improve congestive heart failure.