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A supernova is an exploding star. The Earth would be instantly incinerated, of course.

There is approximately zero chance this will ever happen, though.

If there was a supernova near Earth ... it would depend on how near. Betelgeuse is a good candidate for a supernova "soon" (within the next million years or so). Scientists who have modeled supernova explosions don't expect it will have much of an impact. If a star nearer than Betelgeuse were to go supernova, then it might be more serious.

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Q: What would happen if a super nova hit earth?
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It will never happen.

When will there be a super nova explosion?

It's a big universe, and super nova explosions happen all the time in some galaxy somewhere, not necessarily in our own. If you want to know when there will be a super nova in our own galaxy, the exact timing is not predictable.

What star blows up in a super nova explosion?

That will happen to stars that are very massive.

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If there is no Sun Light the Core of the earth would cool, all living organisms would be killed and when the sore of the earth cooled the earth would implode due to a sub-normal reaction between heat and gravity, the gravity would win and implode the earths crust. This would cause a huge super-nova in our galaxy and send earth particles flying through the universe.

If a supernova happens would you see it from earth?

It depends how far it is.Super nova's are VERY would probably not see it but they are big.There were no close super nova's near earth.They were all at the other side of the galaxy or somewhere in another galaxy.

Where is super nova on Habbo?

A super nova is a very rare item of furniture.

What does nova mean?

Nova means super.

What is the gravity of a super nova compared to earth?

Depends on the mass of the host star - but generally a lot greater.

What is the explosion that occurs at the end of a giant star's life?

That would be a super-nova

Why do planets go into super nova?

a super nova is not something that anything goes into. A SUPER NOVA is a part of a stars life cycle when it explodes. THEN all the dust and chips of the star reunite in a super nova remnent forming a COMPLETELY NEW STAR.

Is a super nova a planet?

A super nova is a sun of a certain size exploding at the end of its life.