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It depends on which chromosomes were present as to what the abnormality would be, if any. If they were missing one or had one extra there would be developmental abnormalities.

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Q: What happens if a human has too many or too few chromosomes?
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What happens if an organism has too many or too few chromosomes?


How many chromosomes are there in each cell?

it depends on they living organism. like human we have 23 chromosomes and that mean we have 46 chromosomes each

Why is it important for egg cells to only have 18 chromosomes?

Only in that way do you get a human zygote - each chromosome MUST be paired and there must be 46 total to get a true human. (Note that in reality there are occasional mismatches - either too many or too few - and the result is always a defective child.)

What happens during meiosis that ultimately results in a defect characterized by the deletion of chromosomes?

Nondisjunction occurs in too many cells or too few cells causing defects

If a parent cell has six chromosomes how many chromosomes will be in each daughter cell?

Mitosis is the normal process of Cell division, so each daughter cell is (hopefully) a clone of the original. With a few exceptions such as sex and red blood cells, all human cells in a normal human being have 2 sets of 23 chromosomes. Therefore, the answer to this question is 46 chromosomes.

What is it called when homologous chromosomes fail to separate properly causing to the gametes to have too many or too few chromosomes?


How many chromosomes do hamsters have?

13,679 in most cases. However in some rare hamster species there are 13,680 chromosomes, these of which live in rural areas situated with little human contact and few predators. Living in the wild of many island in the Pacific Ocean.

Failuare of homologous chromosomes to separate properly during meiosis result in gametes with too many or too few chromosomes?


Which stage of meiosis causes Down syndrome?

Mistakes in meiosis may cause Down syndrome. The error happens when the chromosomes segregate into the gametes. The egg or sperm may have too many or too few chromosomes. Down syndrome has an extra chromosome in the 21st pair.

What does a nondisjunction involve?

it occurs when the chromosomes during meiosis do not separate correctly and then it results in a gamete or egg cell too have too few or too many chromosomes. This can lead to different diseases.

What might be the effect of inheriting more than the normal number of chromosomes in a human?

The implications of too many or too few chromosomes from the normal chromosomes are birth defects. With too many chromosomes a child could have Down Syndrome. With too few chromosomes a child could have Turner Syndrome.

How many chromosomes are in the human liver cell?

Any somatic cells in a diploid eukaryotic organism will have the diploid number (2n) of chromosomes. For humans that number is 46. To unpack that: humans are diploid organisms. That is, our cells contain two copies of every chromosome we have. One copy is inherited from our mothers, the other from our fathers. Because we have 23 pairs of chromosomes (n=23), the total number of chromosomes in a human cell is 46 (2n=46). For the most part it doesn't matter what kind of cell you're talking about in a human body - brain cell, fat cell, liver cell (more technically called hepatocytes) - they will all have the same 46 chromosomes in them. All cells in your body are genetically identical - they differ in which genes are turned on, not by which genes they possess. (N.B.: There are a few exceptions to this, notably red blood cells and germ line cells. Mature red blood cells have no nuclei and no chromosomes at all! And germ line cells - that is sperm, eggs, and their precursors - will have only 23 chromosomes. This permits a sperm cell with 23 chromsomes and an egg cell with 23 chromosomes to fuse to produce a proper human zygote with 46 chromosomes.)