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How come animals drink pond water and they don't get sick

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Q: What would happen if animals drink pond water?
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They would probably not have any water left which means there would be no hurricanes or tsunamis but the only water we would get if we ran out would be rain and/ or snow

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All animals have to drink water or they would die.

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They absorb water through their skin. If water were to get into their mouth like animals typically drink, they would drown.

What would happen to your body if you don't drink water?

If you don't get enough you get dehydrated. If you drink no water for 2 days you will die.

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we would have no water to drink to bathe in in brush are teeth

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It may make you ill.

What would happen if the fresh water in the rivers got polluted?

We would not be able to drink the water or eat the fish.

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We will be weak Because every day we lose 1.5 liter of water daily. if we don't drink water we will lose much water

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Become really concentrated

What could happen if water could not condense in the atmosphere?

we would have no water to drink to bathe in in brush are teeth

What do grasshopers drink?

if kept as pets you would place a peice of spng into the cage. the spung would be damp

What would happen to the organisms if several house owners fertilize their lawns followed by a big rain?

The fertilizer could cause an algal bloom, which would deplete oxygen in the water and likely make the water toxic. Fish and animals that drink the water are likely to die.