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If cytokinesis took place before mitosis then the cell would not be able to divide evenly. This would cause one cell to have part of the organelles and the other cell to have to rest of the organelles.

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16y ago

== == The chromosomes would not have replicated, so the resulting daughter cells will not have the correct ploidy.

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12y ago

Cells would not divide - and therefore replication could not be completed.

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15y ago

Cytokinesis does actually begin before mitosis ends. During telophase, as chromosomes begin to form into separate nuclei at opposite poles, cytokinesis begins to divide the cell.

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11y ago

The chromosomes would not replicate.

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Q: What would happen if cytokinesis occurred before telophase was completed?
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Cytokinesis is completed?

The stage before cytokinesis is anaphase, the stage after cytokinesis in meiosis is prophase II. The stage during cytokinesis is Telophase.

Does cytokinesis occur immediately after prophase?

no, it occurs with telophase and before g1

Cytokinesis occurs during?

Cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm which begins after the nucleus has divided.

The division of cytoplasm completed?

Pk Yo

What process or phase follows telophase?

The phase occurring before the telophase in mitosis is the anaphase. In anaphase, the paired chromosomes separate and begin moving to opposite ends of the cell. At the end, each pole of the cell contains a complete compilation of chromosomes.

Which stage of the cleavage is the chromosome diploid?

G1 phase of Interphase in mitosis. It's after cytokinesis and before S phase in which the chromosome replicates and becomes 4n. In Meiosis it's before Prophase I and after Telophase I when cytokinesis occurs; then all through Meiosis II until final cell division in which 4 daughter cells that are haploid are made.

What is the average number of cells In telophase?

The average number of cells in telophase depends on the specific biological system or organism being studied. In general, telophase is the final stage of cell division and leads to the formation of two daughter cells. Therefore, if a single parent cell is undergoing division, the average number of cells in telophase would be two.

What are the order of the stages of the cell cycle?

mitosis, g1, s phase, g2

What identifies telophase 1?

Telophase I is the stage that takes place in meiosis before the Prophase II and after Anaphase I.

What is the purpose of cytokinesis?

Cytokinesis is a part of cell division where the cell regenerates necessary organs like mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum before beginning another bout of cell division. The last part of cytokinesis also involves the splitting of DNA.

What are the five phases of meiosis 1?

Meiosis.....................produces gametes or sexual cells, which contain half the chromosomesbecause the sexual union of male and female will contribute the otherhalf.

Would new cells be viable if replication of chromosomes did not occur before cytokinesis?
