

What would happen if tiger shark removed?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What would happen if tiger shark removed?
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Mostly the Tiger shark would win. Most species of hammer heads are smaller than the tiger shark and hence would lose.

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a match for a tiger shark is a great white bull shark or a whale shark

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a tiger would win

Bull shark vs tiger shark who would win?

I would say bull shark because they're way swifter and probably have a stronger bite.

Who would win a fight between a great white shark or a Siberian tiger?

In the water a Tiger would have no chance against a 10 times as heavy shark but on land the tiger would win because a shark can't breath in air

In a fight who would win out of a the whitetip shark or a tiger shark?

The tiger shark and easily too. They are much larger, heavier, and have more effective teeth

Which would win a fight a great white shark or a tiger shark?

the great white shark will win

Is their such thing as a white tiger mixed with a great white shark?

No. This would be a against nature and what-ever came out of would die. The tiger is a mammal while the shark is a fish.

Which animal would win in a fight the bangal tiger or the tiger shark?

that depends if the fight was in the water the shark would have the advantage even though the tiger is a good swimmer the shark would probably surprise the tiger and bite it then drag it underwater if the bite didn't kill it it would probably drown. but if the fight was on land well it's pretty obvios who would win the tiger could just bite the shark and soo it would die or it would just die because it couldn't breathe. i hope this helped you out!

Who would win tiger shark vs great white?

A great white would win. Definitely. A great white would indeed win.A recent study and documentry was made, tagging tiger sharks.One particular Tiger shark that was tagged went south towards the colder waters of southern Australia , which is great white territory.The presumption was she would be eaten by great whites, especially as she would be unable to function fully in the cold, in fact she survived and returned to her normal area.