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Depends what the food colouring base is - any water based food colouring will not mix with the oil. Similarly, alcohol based food colourings. Oil based food colourings will mix just fine. Nothing spectacular happens, you just achieve coloured oil.

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Well, the flower will change the color of the food coloring. For example, if you used red the flower would change red. Unless, you put it ON the plant then it would die! You would have to put the food dye/coloring in the plant's water to help it survive when the coloring reaches its roots.

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No, the size would be unaffected by the coloring.

What would happen if you put food coloring on banana bread?

It wouldn't effect the flavor or anything. Just the colorMore information:Although adding food coloring to banana bread would change the color slightly, the results probably would not be satisfactory. Banana bread naturally has a deep tan / brown color, so additional food coloring, whether red, yellow, blue or green, would only make the bread a muddy unappetizing brown.