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The mitochondria can be compared to the power plant of a company. Just like the mitochondria, which produce energy for the cell, the power plant generates energy for the company's operations. Both are critical for the overall functioning and productivity of the system.

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9y ago

It could be considered to be the electric generator in the office building of a company.

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Q: What would the mitochondria be mostly compared to in a company?
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Which technique would be helpful if you wanted to collect a lot of mitochondria in order to study the genetic differences in mitochondria of one organism compared to another?

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What company or place does a mitochondria resemble in cell city?

The mitochondria would most closely resemble a power plant for a city as the mitochondria is where the energy for a cell is created.

What cells are expected to have more mitochondria?

the more active the cell is, the mitochondria it has. so therefore muscle cells have alot of mitochondria as compared to fat storing cells

In which kinds of human cells would you expect to find the most mitochondria?

Mitochondria is a cite in the cytoplasm also known as power house of the cell because of their energy generating ability in the cell. In humans there are many life activities that goes on in the body in order to make life possible. The prominent activity is that needs large amount of energy is reproduction. This occurs in the tissues, hence mitochondria are mostly found in muscle tissues for this life activity.

What everyday object would represent mitochondria?

It can be compared to a power house.It generates enery in cell.

What would happen if someone lost their mitochondria and why would they lose it?

you cant lose your mitochondria but if you could you would die

What would happen if the mitochondria were removed from a cell?

If all the mitochondria were removed from a cell it would no longer be able to function. This is because the mitochondria produces the energy for the cell.

What is the name of the organelle involved in the oxygen requiring process by which the energy in the macromolecules is stored in ATP?

That would be the 'mitochondria'...

In what way would having many mitochondria be beneficial to muscle cells?

The mitochondria is used for energy in the human body. Having more mitochondria would be beneficial since it would mean that the body would have more energy when needed.

What would happen if all the mitochondria were removed from a cell?

If all the mitochondria were removed from a cell it would no longer be able to function. This is because the mitochondria produces the energy for the cell.

Which organelle would you expect to be the most highly concentrated in heart muscle cells?

Mitochondria as the heart requires a lot of energy.

Which cell from heart muscle would probably have an unusually high proportion?

its either lysosomes, mitochondria, mRNA, or Golgi bodies