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Acquaintance would be the proper term to use.

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Q: What would you call someone who you know but you really could not call them a friend for a resume?
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What do you call someone who is not your friend but is not your enemy either?

someone who is there and could be your friend. who knows, maybe they could be really close to you in your future?

How do you get a really hot boy to ask YOU out when your not really cool but HE has to ask you out because you told your best friend that you don't like anyone?

you could ask him to ask you out. you could pay him. you could get someone to let him know that you like him. screw your bestfriend.. if you like someone you should ask them out. who cares if your best friend gets confused. just tell your best friend you changed your mind.

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It could be, I've had some of both, yes and no. It could mean that your 'someone that hates you' is saying something bad about you, but your friend could be just listening to that person, or, if your friend agrees that whatever bad the other person is talking about you is right, then your 'friend' is probably not really your friend. You should try talking to your friend about it.

How can you nicely tell someone you don't like them?

"I really like u, as a friend and all, but I don't feel that we could be more than that.... im sorry," "I really like u, as a friend and all, but I don't feel that we could be more than that.... im sorry,"

What is making new friends called?

Making Friends Means,If You Were To See Someone Who You Dont Really Like You Could Make Them Be Your Friend.

Does a child really need a friend for his overall development?

Of course! Everyone needs a friend: theyr someone to talk to, have fun with, ect. and i guess parents could be the best of friends in their development.

What do you call someone who shows you right path in life to succeed?

A mentor. Guide. Friend. Teacher. Preacher. Could be any of these. You would really know best.

Could someone please help me with Pokemon pearl i need an Electrive and a Lunatone if anyone could help me i would really appreciate it thank you my friend code is 5284 7550 7945 thanks again?

i will help you if you make a trade with me and i put you on my friend roster

What does it mean when Someone say MY friend likes you a lot?

Well, normally when someone says to you "Oh, my friend likes you a lot." We all seem to instantly think 'Your friend, yh right, sounds more like you like me'. Sometimes yes, it could be that but other times it could really mean that their FRIEND likes you!! So, just go with the whole FRIEND likes you and if the person who said it to you is the real one who likes you then they should soon get jealous and speak up!!

What does not really mean about asking if they like someone?

Assuming that you mean you asked somebody if they liked you (or a friend) and they said, "Not really", it means that they don't dislike you (or friend), but they don't actually like you.This could mean that they don't like you. It could mean what I just said, or it could mean that they actually do like you, but are not ready to admit it, therefore the answer: Not really.Hope this helped.-dp anonymous x

How do you no if someone is your friend?

you could ask them, but if someone comes to you to talk, or asks for help, or something, then you could say that their a friend. it just might take sometime before it seems sorta obvious.

What should you do you got dumped for your best friend?

Well, you could be happy for them to get together. Or you could tell your best friend that if they are really your friend they would give them back.