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Society has made a cookie cutter person that we all try to force ourselves to become. God created us to be unique and perfect. There is not one thing that should be changed about any human being. They are all perfect and unique and beautiful.

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Q: What would you change about yourself?
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I would change my face. It looks weird.

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i would just ignore them and keep walking because it doesnt matter what people say or thing about you. you cant change yourself just stay away from trouble like that. and never change yourself. BE YOURSELF!!

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You can hire an attorney to complete the legal process for you or you can do it yourself.

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If you have the ability and you know something about mechanics and working on cars then it may be possible to change them yourself. In changing them yourself it would save you a good bit of money.

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The best thing would be to be yourself in all honesty.. Don't try to change who you are. But you CAN attract women if you truly want.

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I would learn how to do it yourself. There are many how-to videos that detail how to change your oil. Once you do that, you will realize that is the cheapest way.

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Currently, there is no such code. The best way would be to Hack yourself the code yourself, or if you're just a regular lazy cheater, you could use the codes for change species, change stats, change level and change item to perfectly reproduce it.

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There is no point in changing yourself for someone else. Unless you change for yourself the change will never stick.

You like a boy but he doesnt like you?

if it was me. i would ask him y he doesn't like me and if it was something that he would want me to change then he was not the right guy for me. you just have to no if you want to change yourself or not. you shouldn't cause of a guy. they just like to hurt girls right now. so dont change yourself cause of a guy but if you want to no one is stopping you.