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you would use kilometers. The distance between their orbital paths is on average 78,341,212 Km apart.

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Q: What would you use to measure the distance to go from earth to mars?
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How many astronomical units is earth from mars?

1) The astronomical unit is the mean distance from Earth to the Sun only. However you can measure the distance to Mars in these units. 2) Unfortunately, that distance keeps changing as the planets move in their orbits.

How long would take light to travel from earth to mars at a distance of 56 million km?

At a distance of 56 million kilometers, light requires 3.1 minutes to reach Mars from Earth.

How far is Mars from the Earth in years?

Years cannot be used to measure the distance to Mars, since years are for measuring time. Since the earth and mars both orbit the sun, the distance is changing all the time. In 2003, the orbits lined up, and Mars came within 55 million kilometers. Driving your car at 50km/hr, it would take 114 years to reach Mars when it was 55 million kilometers away.

How long would it take to travel Mars in lightyears?

A light-year is not a measurement of time but of distance. How far light can travel in a year. Your question therefore asks about the distant between the Earth and Mars which varies with their orbiting about the sun.. However, Earth and Mars are never anywhere near a light year abart. At most, they are about 12 light minutes apart.

What is the exact distance from the sun and Mars?

the exact distance from the earth to mars is 36 million miles

Is Mars closer to the sun more than Earth?

Earth is closer to the Sun Earth is 92,960,000 miles (149,600,000 km) Sun, Distance to Earth Mars is141,600,000 miles (227,900,000 km) Mars, Distance from Sun

How far is Mars from the earth and the sun?

Mars is 35,000,000 miles from Earth and 141,600,000 miles from the Sun.

What is the diameter of Mars if it's angular size is 008276?

You would also have to know its distance. This varies a lot, depending on where in their orbits Earth and Mars are.

How much farther from the sun is earth than mars?

Earth is closer than Mars. Earth's average distance from the sun is 150 million km, while Mars' average distance is 227 million km.

What is the two closest planets to the earth?

It depends on when the question is asked. Mercury orbits the sun at a distance of 0.4AU, venus at 0.7AU, earth at 1 AU, and mars at 1.5AU. (next planet jupiter is at 5.2AU and is too far to affect the answer) Depending on the planetary alignments, - mercury can be between 0.6 and 1.4 AU from earth - venus can be between 0.3 and 1.7 AU from earth - mars can be between 0.5 and 2.5 AU from earth. Therefore, the 2 closest planets can be either mercury & venus, or mercury & mars, or venus & mars, depending on planetary alignments. For a similar question "which 2 planets have orbits closest to earth's orbit", then the answer might be "venus & mars", unless you want to use a non-trivial measure of distance. Maybe a measure of distance based on area between the orbits instead of difference of orbit radius (in which case "venus & mercury" would be a better answer)

How far is the Moon from Mars?

Earth is about 93 million miles from the Sun. Mars is about 139.5 miles from the Sun. The distance between Earth and Mars depends on where each is in its orbit. At their nearest, they would be about 46.5 million miles; at their farthest, about 232.5 million. The moons of Mars are much closer to Mars itself than these distances from Mars to Earth of the Sun. So since we are rounding off distances to the half-million miles, for all practical purposes Mars and its moons are the same distance from Earth.

Is the asteroid belt between earth and mars?

Mars' average distance from the sun is greater than Earth's average distance, and less than the average distance of most of the members of the asteroid belt. So, the answer is YES.