

What year did Fibonacci make his Fibonacci numbers?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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7y ago

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The Fibonacci sequence is named after Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, known as Fibonacci. His 1202 book Liber Abaci introduced the sequence to Western European mathematics, although the sequence had been described earlier as Virahankanumbers in Indian mathematics.

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Fibonacci did not "make" his numbers. They had been studied before by Indian mathematicians and were known as Virahanka numbers. In this context, Fibonacci's only real claim to fame was that he introduced them to mathematicians in the West, who trailed behind the Arabic and Indian mathematicians. Fibonacci introduced them in the 13th Century, some six centuries after the Indian mathematicians had "made" them.

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Who discovered Fibonacci numbers?

Leonardo Fibonacci

Why are these numbers called Fibonacci numbers?

Because the sequence was discovered and studied by Fibonacci of Pisa

Fibonacci numbers 4 8 22 55 88?

No, they are not the normal Fibonacci numbers.

What did Fibonacci do in his life?

Fibonacci accomplished: doing paintings and also invented Fibonacci numbers. Fibonacci traveled to some Mediterranean countries, to study the most important Arab mathematicians at that time. Fibonacci ended his travels around the year 1200 and at that time he returned to Pisa. Originally in the year 1202, Fibonacci was presented with a problem of how quickly the rabbit population will grow in ideal conditions.

How did the Fibonacci pattern of numbers come about?

the fibonacci pattern of numbers came round about in the 1980's

Is 13 a Fibonacci number?

the first seven Fibonacci numbers are 1,1,2,3,5,8,13. 13 is a Fibonacci number.

What year was Fibonacci born?

What Year was Fibonacci born??? 1170

What are the first 85 Fibonacci numbers?

The first 85 Fibonacci numbers are:011235813213455891442333776109871,5972,5844,1816,76510,94617,71128,65746,36875,025121,393196,418317,811514,229832,0401,346,2692,178,3093,524,5785,702,8879,227,46514,930,35224,157,81739,088,16963,245,986102,334,155165,580,141267,914,296433,494,437701,408,7331,134,903,1701,836,311,9032,971,215,0734,807,526,9767,778,742,04912,586,269,02520,365,011,07432,951,280,09953,316,291,17386,267,571,272139,583,862,445225,851,433,717365,435,296,162591,286,729,879956,722,026,0411,548,008,755,9202,504,730,781,9614,052,739,537,8816,557,470,319,84210,610,209,857,72317,167,680,177,56527,777,890,035,28844,945,570,212,85372,723,460,248,141117,669,030,460,994190,392,490,709,135308,061,521,170,129498,454,011,879,264806,515,533,049,3931,304,969,544,928,6572,111,485,077,978,0503,416,454,622,906,7075,527,939,700,884,7578,944,394,323,791,46414,472,334,024,676,22123,416,728,348,467,68537,889,062,373,143,90661,305,790,721,611,59199,194,853,094,755,497160,500,643,816,367,088

What is 37 as the sum of Fibonacci numbers?

37 is not in the Fibonacci number series, but is the sum of two Fibonacci numbers, 34 and 3. Fibonacci numbers are with 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, etc.

Why are Fibonacci numbers so special?

Fibonacci numbers are important in art and music. The ratio between successive Fibonacci numbers approximates an important constant called "the golden mean" or sometimes phi, which is approximately 1.61803.

What are the negative Fibonacci numbers called?

The negative Fibonacci numbers (also known as the Negafibonacci numbers) consist of the Fibonacci numbers in an alternating negative and positive pattern.The start of the Negafibonacci sequence runs thus:1, -1, 2, -3, 5, -8, 13, -21...And continues in a pattern identical to the Fibonacci numbers but with alternating negative and positive numbers.

How many Fibonacci numbers are there?
