

What year did James Monroe get married?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What year did James Monroe get married?
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Who was James monroe married to James monroe?

James Monroe was married to Elizabeth Kortright Monrore

Who was James Monroe married?

James Monroe was married to Elizabeth Kortright Monrore

Is James Monroe married?

Yes, James Monroe married to Elizabeth Kortright in February 16, 1786

Did James monroe get married?

James Monroe got married in the White House and he had presidential gurads to protect them as they ran off together

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Yes, in 1942 she married her neighbor, James Dougherty. FUNNY!! The question is about Bill Monroe and the answer is for Marlyn Monroe. Bill Monroe was married to Carolyn!Jack

How was James Monroe?

James Monroe was a president that had a Monroe doctrine to himself. He married a woman named Elizabeth and had 3 kids married in the white house named Eliza, Maria, and Hester

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Marilyn Monroe married to James Dougherty from 1942 to 1946 Marilyn Monroe married to Joe DiMaggio from 1954 to 1955 Marilyn Monroe married to Arthur Miller from 1956 to 1961

Are there descendents of James Monroe?

Yes, there are. As one of five siblings, he married and had children. James Monroe had 2 daughters and 1 son.

How old was James Monroe when he became president?

James Monroe was 59 years old when he became president in 1817 James Monroe was 67 the last year he was president

When did James Monroe die?

James Monroe died on July 4, 1831 at the age of 73.

Who did James Monroe marry?

James Monroe married to Elizabeth Kortright in February 16, 1786

What year did president James Monroe announce the Monroe doctrine?

He announced the Monroe Doctrine in 1823.