

What year the clock invented?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What year the clock invented?
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When was the sand clock invented?

no body is sure in which year the sun clock was invented but we think it was invented by the greeks or roman or egyptians

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Who invented the lantern clock?

the lantern clock was invented by john latern in the same year jesus died. you can read more on my website

What is a anaphoric clock?

An Anaphoric Clock is a "clock" that shows all 365 days of the year, months of the year, and zodiac signs. It was invented in Ancient Greece. It is normally made out of bronze.

When was the first pendulum clock invented?

Christiaan Huygens invented the first pendulum clock in the year 1656. He was inspired by Galileo who lived around 1602. The pendulum clock was needed as a way of keeping a track of time.

Which year sand clock was invented?

Glad you asked... There is no one credited for inventing the first sand clock. You can say the first invented sand clock was actually an hour glass which was invented by either the Greeks or Roman or the Egyptians depending on who you ask

Who invented the modern clock?

Year 1656 by Christian Huygens. Year 1656 by Christian Huygens.

Who was the first to invent the clock?

Different types of clock are invented by different people. A minute hand, for example was invented by Josh Burgi in the year 1577. The word clock comes from the French word â??clocheâ?? means bell.

Who invented the death clock?

Professor Farnsworth invented the death clock

When was the pendulum clock invented?

1656Christiaan Huygens invented the pendulum clock and was the most accurate clock into the 1930s.

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What kind of clock was invented AFTER the sundial?

the sterling silver clock was invented after the sundial