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what year was movable type invented what year was movable type invented

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Q: What year was movable type invented in ancient china?
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Which culture first invented movable type and discovered the process for making paper?

Movable type was first invented in China during the Song Dynasty in the 11th century. Papermaking was also developed in China during the Han Dynasty around 105 AD.

What was going on when movable type invented?

Movable type was really important because back then people didn't have computers so they used movable type. Movable types are still used today.

Who first invented movable type?

Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing movable type printing in the 15th century, which revolutionized the spread of information by making book production faster and more efficient.

What was the type of printing was invented by Bi Sheng in 1041?

Bi Sheng invented movable type printing using clay characters in 1041 in China. This innovation allowed for the easier and faster production of printed materials compared to traditional woodblock printing methods.

Who invented the movable type thus revolutionizing printing?

Movable type printing was invented between 1041 and 1048 in Song dynasty China. Textual evidence includes the Dream Pool Essays written in 1088, which attributed the invention of the movable type to Bi Sheng. In the 15th century, Johannes Gutenberg independently invented movable type printing in Europe.

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Which civilization invented movable type?


Was the first book in movable type the Bible?

In Europe, yes. The Gutenberg Bible.However in China where movable type was invented, many things were printed with it long before Gutenberg. However they never attempted printing anything as large as the Bible.

What country was the first movable type used in?


The inventor of movable type for printing was?

Credit for the 1st movable type goes to Bi Sheng of China who made his characters out of ceramic between 1041 & 1048 AD. The 1st metal movable type was fabricated in Korea around 1230 AD. Around 1450 AD Johannes Gutenberg independently invented movable type in Europe which lead to the creation of the mechanical printing press in 1454.

Was Movable type developed by Thomas Edison?

No, movable type is an invention that greatly precedes Thomas Edison. It was invented centuries earlier by Gutenberg.

What country was responsible for movable type?

Countries are not "responsible" when one person invents something. When Johannes Gutenberg was alive he lived in Mainz, in what is now known as Germany (But he would not have understood if you called him a "German".) but weas then part of the Holy Roman Empire. Certainly a western idea that movable type or even metal movable type was invented by Gutenberg. He may have invented a useable and practical application for movable metal type with Latin letters as the basis for printing but China was using movable wooden block characters hundreds of years prior to Gutenberg and tin movable blocks were used by Korean printers before him too.