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Q: What you call a person who keeps people around when needs them and gets rid of them when finish with them?
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How do you learn to ignore someone who keeps hurting your feelings?

No, you don't. You tell that person exactly what you feel. If that person knows how you feel and keeps do what he/she does, then set the limit. You Don't Have To Take Crap From People!

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A person who keeps bees is a Beekeeper or Apiarist.

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My girlfriend is a seraphic person. Every now and then she keeps helping the poor people.

What do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?

a teacher ofc

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"An apple a day keeps the doctor away."

What is a wielder?

Its almost like a boss. A person who is realy bossy, and keeps people always working and busy.

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You have something that you need to get done or finish.

What is a person who keeps?

A hoarder.

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Its almost like a boss. A person who is realy bossy, and keeps people always working and busy.

Why do people look fatter on tv or photographs?

people may look bigger in telivision because t.v. because t.v. widens the person, while photography just keeps the person the way they are.