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Play it by ear. If you play it by ear, you don't have a plan of action, but decide what to do as events take shape.

Yes it is 'play it by ear' and it comes from when a musician plays a piece of music without the music sheet in front of them, they are making it up from listening to it, playing it by ear.

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The phrase is "Play it by ear".

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Q: What you the common phrase 'Play it by year or ear'?
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What is the meaning of the phrase "play by ear"?

This phrase is usually used when there is an unknown future in an endeavor. To "play it by ear" means to take things as they come, and plan things along the way, as opposed to having a set plan from start to finish.

Is the saying 'play it by ear' or 'play it by year'?

"Play it by ear" refers to a musical sense, as in playing an instrument without the sheet music to read, so you are going to play what you hear, or play it by ear. It is a term signifying that you are going to keep your ears open and produce a result as more information arises. In this sense it is referring to time and whether or not you have a plan or are going to play it by ear and decide later on the best plan or to improvise. It is never "Play it by year". The phrase was born out of the musical world and has come to be stretched to other aspects of life, as with many old sayings. For example, when people say to ''nip it in the bud" they are almost never referring to a flower or plant. This phrase usually refers to a problem or ailment and stopping it from getting any bigger or growing as a bud would open and blossom, hence nip it in the bud (while it's small and manageable).

Is it play it by year?

For many, it's play it by ear because they can't read musical scores. What about year's play

What is the most common ear problem for humans?

The most common ear problem is an ear infection.

What are the common ear ailments?

The most common ear ailments are ear infections, tinnitus and glue ear. Other ailments of the ear include a perforated eardrum and vertigo.

Where did the phrase 'Play it by ear' come from?

This phrase is literal, no symbology. In opposition to action by plan, script, text or even agreement, image is musical activity without adherance to composition, intuitive.It deals with playing the piano.

How many times is he who has an ear mentioned in the bible?

The phrase "he who has an ear" does not appear anywhere in the KJV bible.

What does the phrase ear to ear mean?

It means very happy. Like dad was smiling from ear to earas he held the new baby.

What is the most common ear problem?

The most common ear problem is a ear infection which can be treated at your local doctors office.

What does the phrase by ear mean?

Playing something by ear means playing from memory just by listening, not by reading the music.

What is an ear anagram?

The anagram of the phrase "an ear" is arena.The next possible longest words are area, earn and near.

What is homophone for year?
