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Q: Whats are the good option to stay away some stress?
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because it takes away stress

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Assisted living facilities can be a good option for seniors especially if they are experiencing dementia or Alzheimer's disease. They can also be good for the families of seniors taking a lot of the stress and responsibility off the one taking care of them.

What is good stress?

good stress is when u feel happy

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One good option is architecture.One good option is architecture.One good option is architecture.One good option is architecture.One good option is architecture.One good option is architecture.

Whats The best way to tell a girl good morning?

Well if at school just tell her good morning.If you want to do it on phone then do it by txt it makes it easier.I am a girl and get txts saying "Good morning" At school I told hi and good morning.Do not stress, and just say it.

Three types of stress?

good stress, medium stress and bad stress

What are the good effects of basketball?

relieves stress good healthpleasuresomething for you to docareerkeeps you away from tv and computersgets you movingcan lose weight from thiscould get new friendsgives you new opportunities

What is the moral lessons of Beowulf?

do whats right and whats good for majority

Why does my body feel like it is being drained when I sleep?

If you are waking up as tired as (or tireder than) when you went to sleep, you may have an illness, or be under stress. You might want to see a doctor. If you feel like stress or tension is draining away from you as you relax, this is a good thing. Some de-stress exercises encourage you to imagine negativity draining away.

Whats pros and cons of being a stockbroker?

The pros are that this is a very good living and money making opportunity. You can also often work from home. The cons is that it is a high stress job and people can get mad at you often.

What cause eustress?

Eu stress is good stress so an example of Eu stress is a home-run in Baseball

What are ways reduce female stress?

Stress is stress. One good way to reduce stress is to learn to think about things realistically. Instead of letting your emotions run away and react instinctively, stop and think of what the realistic response to that stress should be. Another way is to stop worrying about all the things that might happen and plan for things that are more likely to happen.