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when you have more than one female cat they often times feed each others kittens even if not related

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Q: When a cat and her oldest kitten from a previous litter have a litter of kitten's around the same time is it normal for the cat to steal or feed the kittens?
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How much is a small litter of kittens?

Two is usually the smallest amount of kittens in the litter, but if there is only one kitten, then that either means something is wrong, or the other kitten died.

How many kittens do margay cats usually have?

A margays litter is just a single kitten.

What is the least a cat can have of kittens?

I have a cat that gave birth to only one kitten.

How to Litter Box Train a Kitten?

Training a kitten to use the litter box is simple if enough time and patience is applied to the task. Here are some guidelines on how to train a kitten to use the litter box successfully:Selecting the Correct Size Box and the Right Type of LitterA plastic box is the most practical choice for kittens because they are very easy to clean. Make sure the sides of the box are low enough so that the kitten can climb in with ease. Most kittens dislike scented litter. Buy unscented litter for the box. Place the box in a quiet place in the home. Make sure the box is accessible. If more than one kitten is being trained, there must be separate boxes for each kitten.Begin the TrainingIn the beginning of training, the kitten must be supervised closely by directing the kitten to use the litter box at the appropriate times. Keep the box where the kitten can see it. When the kitten stops playing and starts sniffing around the box, gently guide or place the kitten into the litter box. Lightly praise the kitten for eliminating in the box. Giving kittens a treat after they eliminate will work well. Never give a kitten medicine or scold him when he is near the box. This will keep the kitten from associating the box with anything negative. Cover all plants so that the kitten isn't confused since the soil of potted plants can be confused with the litter box. If the kitten cannot be supervised, confine the kitten to a cat-proof room with the litter box inside. Follow these basic training steps for approximately two weeks.Common MistakesFix any of the following mistakes that could result in soiling on the floor:- Litter box not cleaned frequently enough- Kitten is frightened around or near the litter box- Litter box was moved to a noisy area - Change in the kind of litter used- Scented litter or deodorizing additives to the litter box- Medical problemsNever administer punishment on kittens when they do not eliminate in the box. This will make the problem worse. Kittens are creatures of habit. Once the right box and litter is found, stick with it. If you want to change anything, place the new box and litter in a new location. Keep the old box and the old litter in the same location until the kitten is using the new box. In a few weeks, the change should be complete.

Is it ok that your cat had two kittens or should you be expecting more?

It is perfectly normal for a cat to have only two kittens. Sometimes a cat will have only one kitten. Usually a cat will have fewer kittens in her first litter, and when she is older she will have a larger litter.

Does a cat generally have only 2 kittens in a litter?

nah, it depends on that cat. a cat can usually have anywhere from like 1 kitten to 12 kittens

What should i use for kitty litter for kitten training?

I used to have kittens and I used Arm & Hammer Oder Alert Clumping littler it keeps it smelling fresh and clean while training your kitten! Note that some kittens can eat inappropriate matter. Clumping litter can cause intestinal blockages... if you can find non-clumping litter, that may be safer for your kittens. Once they are grown up, that no longer will be a problem.

Can a cat have kittens from two mates at the same time?

Yes for example a white cat mate with a Siamese and a tortiseshell .In the litter there might be a white kitten, Siamese kitten, and tortiseshell kitten.

How many times can a cat give birth?

They can have up to 2-3 litters a year.Each litter can be from 1 kitten to 10 or more.The average amount of kittens per litter is about 4 to 6.Cats are going to have kittens as long as they live.Each kitten in a litter has kittens. Each of those kittens has kittens. A long cycle that goes on and on! Good luck!

Group of kitten or pups of same mother?

If you have a group of kittens or puppies belonging to the same mother, this is called a litter.

How many kittens will they have?

well there can be a range of how many kittens you will get in a litter! These numbers range from 1-10! i don think there can be more than 10, if so they may be weaker than say, a kitten who is 1 in 5 of a litter!

How many kittens are usually in the first litter?

Usually the number of kittens in a litter is about 5. You really needs to research the breed to be sure. If you actually meant a liter/litre, there doesn't seem to be any readily available information on the volume of an average kitten. Briefly submerging a large enough sample of kittens in water, measuring how much water they displaced, and then working out a per-kitten average would be the easiest way to measure the volume of an average kitten, and from there it could be worked out how many average kittens are in a litre.