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Multiply .3631 and 1.185 together and take that answer and multiply it by 175. That's your answer.

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Q: When a concentrated hydrochloric solution is 36.31 percent hci and 63.69 percent h20 by mass its specific heat is 1.185 what mass of pure hci is concentrated in 175 ml of this solution?
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What is 10 percent hydrochloric acid?

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The concentration of the diluted solution will be 15(300/1000) = 4.5 %, if the percent is expressed on a weight/volume basis.

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My best guess is about pH = 12 to 12.5, it is a rather concentrated but weak base.

How do you make a Molar solution from 32 percent hydrochloric acid?

32% hydrochloric acid is 10.2 M. You must dilute it to the desired molar concentration. For safety, be careful to add the acid to water and to wear appropriate protection.

How many mL of water are present in 250 mL of a 15 percent by volume aqueous hydrochloric acid solution?

The water volume is 212,5 mL.

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Acetic Acid is a weak acid in that it is only partially dissociated. Hydrocholric acid is highly corrosive and is much stronger