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Vampires or vampyres cant have babie because female vampires stay still their bodys cant change and you need to change to allow room in the womb

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Q: When a female vampire and a male vampire have a baby will the baby ever grow up or stay as a baby forever just like the parent vampires stay as they are never to grow up or look older?
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When a male vampire and a female human have a dhampir will the dhampir live forever like the father?

Dhampirs are usually mortal like their human parent and will not live forever like the vampire parent. However, they may possess some vampire-like traits and abilities, but their lifespan is typically that of a human.

Do half breed vampires have venom?

Half-breed vampires may inherit some characteristics from their vampire parent, including venomous abilities. However, the specific abilities and traits of a half-breed vampire can vary depending on the vampire lineage and other factors.

What is a vampire group called?

A vampire group is called a coven.It is actually called a 'Brood'.Brood - A group of vampires gathered around a leader (usually their sire).Sire - The parent-creator of a vampire, used both as the female and male form.A brood may (over a long time!) become a 'clan' by virtue of lineage, bloodline.Clan - A group of vampires who share certain mystic and physical characteristics.A 'coven' is only correctly used in terms of witches... --noun: an assembly of witches,esp. a group of thirteen. However since more people know more about witches than vampires and since 'coven' also means 'gathering/assembly', the word coven are sometimes (wrongly) used for a group of vampires too.

Can vampire sims have babies?

Yes they can, but their babies will come out human, not vampire. Also, if you do not have any normal Sims in your house it will be difficult for your vampire Sims to look after their kids as they will burn in the sun.

Can vampires be born?

In mythology, vampires can be born if both parents are vampires. If one parent is a vampire and the other isn't, a hybrid is made (i.e. Blade). The other way to make a vampire is thru biting, where the vampiric blood virus is transmitted from the vampire's saliva into the bitten area. In reality, those that suffer from the vampiric virus, which allows them to digest blood thru the digestive viscera, can be born from a family with previous vampires in the family tree. The gene that carries the virus can be either recessive or dominant and can sometimes skip generations or keep itself to a specific gender of the offspring. Vampires can also be made when the non-vampire drinks a few mL of blood from the vampire's body. The blood must be fresh, however, as blood spoils within 4 hours of extraction if kept room temperature. This method of 'turning' a non-vampire is not done often, since it bestows the craving for blood and other weaknesses of the donating vampire.

What is a group of vampires called?

it depends on which movie or book, but most recent ar vampire family, and vampire group, vampire relation and so Twilight it's called a coven !It is actually called a 'Brood'.Brood - A group of vampires gathered around a leader (usually their sire).Sire - The parent-creator of a vampire, used both as the female and male form.A brood may (over a long time!) become a 'clan' by virtue of lineage, bloodline.Clan - A group of vampires who share certain mystic and physical characteristics.A 'coven' is only correctly used in terms of witches... --noun: an assembly of witches,esp. a group of thirteen. However since more people know more about witches than vampires and since 'coven' also means 'gathering/assembly', the word coven are sometimes (wrongly) used for a group of vampires too.

What is a parent's female child?

If a parent has a female child, that would be the parent's daughter.

Who is your mama?

Your mama is your female parent.

Are there such a thing as good vampires?

There are several varieties of Vampires. Psi Vampire - a vampire that derives their power from non-physical energy, rather than blood. They drain energy from other life forces to replace their own. It is like recharging a battery. Blood Vampire: vampires gain energy from drinking blood. They must drink fresh blood to gain energy, however, not dead blood (for obvious reasons). Hybrid Vampire: Hybrids are a mix of both Psi and blood Vampires. They have many of the Psi abilities that a Psi vampire has, and can also gain energy from consuming blood. [they are the highest of ranks in the vampire world] Elimental Vampires: These are vampires that feed from the elements. For example, the energy created by a thunder storm. They actually feed of the power in the air that the storms create, much like a Psi vampire will feed from a human host. Emotional Vampire: These are vampires that feed on emotions, such as anger, fear, rage, happiness, etc. Some may even be known to start fights, just so they can feed from the emotions it causes. Sexual Vampires: These vampires feed on the energy generated by sex, or a sex act. The sexual vampire will feed off sexual energy, and the sexual need and dependence of their victims. Social Vampire: social vampire is very much like a sexual vampire, except they feed on social energy, rather than sexual energy. A social vampire will tend to be the type of person who loves to be the center of attention, and cannot stand to be alone or ignored by others. New Breed Vampires: These type of vampires are similar to the vampires in the movie "Queen of the Damned", minus a few exaggerations. Classical vampires are "ageless", meaning their physical bodies do not age, but they can be killed. Genetic Vampires: These vampires are similar to the vampires in the movie "Blade", minus a few exaggerations. For example, they do not burst into flames upon exposure to sunlight, and they are not affected by garlic. Most are extremely sensitive to sunlight, however. Depending on the blood line, some Genetic vampires can only last 10 mins, while others can last up to a few hours. If they do go over the time they can safely walk around in the sun, their skin will start to burn severely, much like a chemical burn. Most of them live for over 300 years of age. However, I do not know their exact lifespan. I have heard mixed reports of Genetic vampires living from 350 - 900 years of age. Inhertior Vampires TYPE 1: These vampires are much like the Genetic vampires, except they are born. Like Sanguinarians, the vampire trait will lay dormant inside them until around the age of 13 - 26, when they awaken. When they body reaches the late stages of puberty, ir releases a chemical which awakens the vampire and begins many physical changes in the body. As a result of this, most Inheritors look around 19 - 20 years old their whole life. Most of the time the parents of the vampire will be human and vampire, or both vampires. There must be one vampire parent. Inheritor vampires live to around the age of 350-400 years old. Inhertior Vampire TYPE 2: Sanguinarians are the "mortal version" of the Inheritor vampires. They still require and crave blood, are sensitive to sunlight, and have many of the traits the Inheritor and Classical vampires have. However . However, Sanguinarians do not live much longer then the average human being. malkavian vampire: These are mainly thought to be from a RPG clan, however, there are real Malkavian vampires out there. They are basically vampires who suffer from mental illnesses, or are considered to be insane by the rest of the community. However, they just have a different outlook on life, and most of the time they are not dangerous. Nightwalker: This type of vampire is almost exstinct. The reason for this is that they do not have the healing of the Genetic / Inheritor or Classical vampires. They do not have the speed, or even the life span of the ageless vampires. Infact, they are more human than vampire. They only live for about 100 years, they do not have the healing like the other "immortals", and their speed is the same as a human. However, they do have the need to feed, just like any other vampire, and are also extremely sensitive to sunlight. Nosferatu Vampire: When a human or vampire is turned, the body tries to fight the infection. In the case of the Noseratu vampires, the body got the upperhand. This caused the virus to alter itself, thus allowing for it to survive in the new host, causing the vampire's body to be extremely disfigured. From what I have heard, the Nosferatu are similar to the Classical or Genetic / Inheritor vampires. They are turned, not born. Then there's the humans who THINK they're vampires: Bloodists: These are humans who have a blood fetish, and who often get called vampires by other humans. They do not have a need to feed, but simply enjoy the taste of blood, or are excited by the sight, smell and taste of blood. Wannabe's: These are humans who want to be vampires. Most of the time they are 16-years-old kids who watch a lot of vampire movies, and think it would be "cool" to be a vampire. However, there are some people who are serious about wanting to be turned, who are in their 20's - 30's, and who know what they want and what they are getting themselves into. (aka, people who go "vampire" because of the Twilight book/movie, and all the other vampire novels.)

If vampires are living dead then what are dhampirs?

Dhampirs are individuals born from the union of a vampire and a human. They possess some characteristics of vampires, such as heightened senses or the ability to detect vampires, but are not immortal or fully undead like their vampire parent. Dhampirs are often depicted in folklore as being able to hunt and combat vampires due to their unique hybrid nature.

What is a cow's female parent called?

A cow's "female parent" is called the dam of said cow.

Vampires true or false?

Vampires are real. I have studied them for quite a long time, and have met some too. They roam all over, but never have they ever told their secrets to any human, except me. You want proof? Vampires are scared of fire, so if you suspect that someone is one, then invite them to your house, and get your parent to light a candle. Ask them to put their hands over the flame, but do not touch them. If they decline, they are most likely a vampire. THEY ARE NOT REAL