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No the mother is, the 16yo.

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Q: When a girl is 16 and pregnant is her parents legal guardians of that child till she is 18 years old in NC?
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If a minor has a baby are the grand parents legally responsible for the child?

No, the child's under-age parents are the legal guardians of the child.

How can a child live with friend?

If the child's parents consent to the friend's parents to be appointed the legal guardians. The friend's parents would need to consent and then be appointed by the court.

Legal age to remove a child from the parents house in GA?

When they are 18 unless the legal guardians agree to it..

Does a legal guardian have to pay child support to a 19 year old if that child moves out?

Because they are not the child's parents, guardians are not required to pay support.

Are parents responsible for their child under the age of 18?

Yes. your parents are your legal guardians until the age of majority, which is 18 in most states.

Does a father have to pay child support if not married but the mother is living with him but the baby lives with her parents?

If the grandparents are legal guardians and the child is living with them, the both of you as the biological parents have to pay child support to the grandparents.

Can grandparents get child support for letting a runaway child live with them?

No. In order to be eligible to receive child support you must be the legal guardian. The parents would have to consent to the court appointment of the grandparents as legal guardians.

Can a bank force parents to pay their child s credit card debt?

I don't know all of the facts, but I do that if the child is dead, the parents or legal guardians will be liable to pay off the debt.

Can a grandparent receive child support if she is supporting the daughter and the baby?

They need to be the court appointed guardians and then they can petition in the family court for child support from the biological parents of the child.They need to be the court appointed guardians and then they can petition in the family court for child support from the biological parents of the child.They need to be the court appointed guardians and then they can petition in the family court for child support from the biological parents of the child.They need to be the court appointed guardians and then they can petition in the family court for child support from the biological parents of the child.

What is the legal age for a child to move out of legal guardians house in arizona?


You are doing research on laws specifically in Canada. In the Catholic Church do godparents have any legal rights to the child if the parents are deceased?

No. Godparents are appointed by the parents for spiritual guidance in the parents' absence. They have no legal authority. Guardians for a child whose parents are deceased must be appointed by a probate court. The godparents can apply to be appointed.

Who is financially responsible for minor children?

Their parents or legal guardians.