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Q: When a mother constantly harasses a grownup child psychologically and then eagerly nurses the child later is exhibiting what kind of syndrome?
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What happens physiologically and psychologically during the General Adaptation Syndrome?

What happens physiologically and psychologically during the General Adaptation Syndrome?Read more: What_happens_physiologically_and_psychologically_during_the_General_Adaptation_Syndrome

What are the predisposing factor for lower cross syndrome?

constantly flexed posture

What is Walter mitty syndrome?

It is constantly fantasizing about a different world than your own.

What is the syndrome when you constantly feel like something is crawling on you?

Parasitosis (illusory or delusional)

What syndrome causes your knees to constantly crack?

I'm not a doctor, but both my knees crack constantly as long as I can remember. I was told many years ago that I had bilateral plica syndrome. If you look that up, it does mention clicking of the knee as a symptom.

How do you tell if a cat has Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a human condition. It is a syndrome characterized by chronic pain throughout the body. If your cat is exhibiting symptoms of chronic pain, you should take them to a veterinarian, to be examined.

Why do your legs move at night and you have to constantly stretch them to get it to stop?

This sounds like restless leg syndrome. You need to see your doctor about this! If it is RLS, treatment is available.

Can a infant get tourettes?

The onset of Tourette Syndrome normally occurs in childhood, not infancy. If your infant is exhibiting tics or other indications of possible neurological problems, s/he should be examined by a pediatric neurologist. See the link below the ads for more information.

What is the possible outcome of Down syndrome?

The likelihood of an individual with down syndrome to conceive a child is extremely rare. There is infertility among both males and females with Down syndrome; males are usually unable to father children, while females demonstrate significantly lower rates of conception relative to unaffected individuals. Women with DS are less fertile and often have difficulties with miscarriage, premature birth and difficult labor. Without implantation genetic diagnosis. approximately half of the offspring of someone with Down syndrome also have the syndrome themselves. Men with DS are almost uniformly infertile,, exhibiting defects in spermatogenesis. There have been only three recorded instances of males with Down syndrome fathering children

What are the known symptoms of ADHD syndrome?

There are a lot of known symptoms for ADHD. These symptoms include: easily distracted, missing details, constantly in motion, talking nonstop, and difficulty doing quiet tasks.

How many human genetic disorders are known?

Some disorders are sickle-cell anemia, Down syndrome, & hemophilia.

What is syndactyly a symptom of?

Syndactyly is a characteristic of Apert syndrome, Poland syndrome, Jarcho-Levin syndrome, oral-facial-digital syndrome, Pfeiffer syndrome, and Edwards syndrome