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When a parachute opens and falls, air beneath it is compressed in the canopy. The compressed air holds the chute open, and the open chute presents a large cross sectional area to the air in the direction it is moving (which is down). The large cross section of the open chute means that as it moves through the air, the whole area of the open chute will present a "front" to the air, and it will make it difficult for the air to move out and up past the chute (or make it difficult for the chute to move down through the air, whichever you prefer). The net result is that the chute and its load (a person, a cargo pack, or whatever) won't be able to move nearly as quickly through the air as the load alone without the chute for drag.

If you wish to think through the problem and investigate further, you'll discover that the pressure in the chute is highest at the top in the middle. If a jumper opens his chute and a panel or two is blown out in some kind of failure, the jumper will have to make a decision about whether to cut away and open a reserve, open a reserve without cutting the primary chute away (and risking a tangle), or just riding the primary chute in with the blown panels. If the panels that have failed are in the sides of the chute, the incident is not as serious as if the panels that blew out are in the top. As the top is the higher pressure area of the chute, a blown panel is much more serious there as air at higher pressure is escaping through the chute (rather than out from under it and around it), and this will provide less "slowing" for the load on the chute. Again, think it through and consider what air is doing as the chute moves down through it and you'll be able to puzzle it out.

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When an object falls through air, it experiences air resistance. This air resistance is a force that opposes the object's motion. The amount of air resistance an object experiences depends on the object's shape, size, and speed. A man using a parachute falls slowly because the parachute creates a large amount of air resistance. A stone falls very fast because it has a small amount of air resistance.

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if there is no air then both will take same time.But due to presence of air person who is without parachute will take less time.

Does increasing the size of the parachute change the speed at which it falls?

the bigger the parachute the slower it falls. but, that is dangerous because it carries more so they try not to make them to big because one gust of wind could blow you a mile to 2 miles off course.

How does size affect the speed of a falling parachute?

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