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Q: When a pitcher throws a baseball what force works against the balls horizontal motion?
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How does science have to do with baseball?

projectile motion (vertical and horizontal motion) when the pitcher throws the ball and when the batter hits friction when people slip. and air resistance, and force of the ball, and action-reaction forces

Why does grass have high friction?

Grass is rough, it stood tall from ground against the motion moving in horizontal plane. What that act against the motion is friction.

Motion perpendicular to earth's surface is what kind of motion?

Motion Perpendicular to the ground is called horizontal motion.

What is the difference between horizontal and vertical motion?

Our jumping is a vertical motion, while walking is a horizontal motion. Exercises are done by both horizontal and vertical motion.

What is horizontal motion vertical motion?

Horizontal motion is motion that moves back and forth and vertical motion moves up and down.

How is the motion in the vertical direction affected by motion in the horizontal direction?

the horizontal motion and the vertical motion are independent of each other

Why horizontal motion is constant?

Horizontal motion is only constant when it is not being affected by any forces, e.g. the horizontal motion of a projectile after it's shot.

What are horizontal motion and vertical motion?

horizontal is side to side vertical is up and down

What type of motion describes the horizontal component of a projectile?

The type of motion that describes the horizontal component of a projectile is horizontal projectile motion. It is influenced by the downward force of gravity.

What is the motion parallel to the ground?

horizontal motion

Does a straight horizontal line indicate uniform motion?

no, a straight horizontal line doesn't indicates uniform motion

What will the motion of the plane be if it is flying in a horizontal line?

linear motion