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The reverse reaction is not always endothermic or exothermic, the reverse reaction is the opposite of whatever the initial reaction is, so if the reaction is endothermic, the reverse reaction is exothermic and vise versa.

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14y ago
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12y ago

The whole point of equilibrium is that it is both endothermic and exothermic.

Depending on the reaction, one direction is exo and one direction is endo.

If you raise the temperature of the equilibrium, the position of equilibrium will shift in the endothermic direction, so you need to know which direction is which.

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14y ago

A forward reaction could be endothermic or exothermic. If it is endothermic, it can only go forward if it is driven by something else (entropy, disorder of a system).

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11y ago

Endothermic is the answer .

. The Exothermic uses their heat for further reacting.

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9y ago

Exothermic reactions comes under the category of chemical changes since these affects the composition and chemical properties of a matter and result in the formation of new substance .

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8y ago

It's an exothemic reaction if it gives out energy. Exo- is like exit, the way out.

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Q: If the reaction gets hot is it an endothermic or an exothermic reaction?
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Is the sand on a beach gets hot from the sun endothermic or exothermic process?

Endothermic. The sand is absorbing heat. If it was radiating heat, that would be exothermic.

How would you know if a reaction was endothermic or exothermic?

An endothermic reaction is one in which thermal energy, or heat, is absorbed. If heat is absorbed in the reaction process, it is endothermic. By monitoring the temperature of the reactants in a reaction, an observer could identify an endothermic reaction through observation of a decrease in the temperature.

Two types of chemical reactions?

Two kind of chemical reactions are exothermic and endothermic reactions. An exothermic reaction is one that releases energy. An endothermic reaction is one that absorbs energy. Hope this helps!! :)

Explain which type of reaction exothermic or endothermic would be required to make a cold and a cold pack or hot pack?

You would have to have an Eacthomatdid reaction of chemcal chance to change a cold pack to a hot pack.

Is endothermic energy occurring when crystals dissolve in water and the container gets hot?

No.I know that in endothermic reactions things absorb heat or get colder. In exothermic reactions they release heat or get warmer. So, since the container gets hot I guess the energy is exothermic.

What are the signs of an exothermic reaction?

The reaction vessel will warm/hot to the touch. 'Exothermic' ; het coming out. Conversely, if the reaction vessel feels cool/cold to the touch it is Endothermic ; taking in heat from its surroundings.

Is sparkler burning endothermic or exothermic?

Endothermic reactions take in heat from the surroundings (and make it cooler), exothermic reactions give out heat to the surroundings making it hotter. Get too close to a sparkler and you'll find it is very hot! This is because it is an exothermic reaction.

Is a test tube that feels cold to touch after two substances have been mixed is exothermic?

NO. If the test tube becomes hot, then the reaction taking place in the test tube is EXOTHERMIC. The reaction is releasing heat to the surroundings, and the test tube is part of the surroundings.

Contrast endothermic and exothermic reactions?

Endothermic reactions are chemical reactions that use heat as part of the reactant. Heat is absorbed into the reaction in order for it to continue. Exothermic reactions are chemical reactions that release heat as a product of the reaction.

What happens to the reaction during endothermic and exothermic reaction?

During an endothermic reaction, heat is absorbed from the surroundings, causing the reaction to feel cold. The reactants have less energy than the products, so energy is absorbed to form the products. In an exothermic reaction, heat is released into the surroundings, making the reaction feel hot. The reactants have more energy than the products, so energy is released during the reaction.