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Buddhism originated in northern India around the 6th century B.C. The tree under which Siddhartha Gautama reached enlightenment is located in Bodh Gaya, India.

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Q: Where and when did Buddhism originate?
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Where did it Buddhism originate?

In India

Where did the religion of Buddhism originate?


What area did Buddhism originate from?


Where did Buddhism and Hinduism originate?

Hinduism origin cannot be authenticated. Lord Buddha established Buddhism.

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Did buddhism originate from Hinduism?

Hinduism did not originate from Buddhism but vice versa as Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, was a royal Hindu prince born to King Śuddhodana and Queen Maha Maya of the Shakya clan, which ruled parts of India and Nepal during this time period.

Is Buddhism Japanese?

No, Buddhism did not originate in Japan, but it is a religion in Japan today. It originated in India. If you want more info visit [related links]

Why did Buddhism develop in India?

Why can't people get it? Buddhism is NOT important to India because it did NOT originate from India. IT ORIGINATED FROM NEPAL, SOUTHWESTERN NEPAL.

How many years before Christianity did Buddhism originate?

About five hundred years, give or take a hundred.

Did Buddhism originate from japan or India?

INDIA It started in India and moved to china

How did Buddhism's religion originate?

Buddism isn't really a religion, because they do not necessarily worship Buddah. It's considered a system of beliefs.

Why did Buddhism originate?

Buddhism began by the teachings of Buddha who created an 8 fold path for which his followers should live by. Buddha 's intent was to stop the cycle of suffering that he saw in the world by creating guidelines for people to live by.