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As two atoms are getting drawn together by an attractive force their potential energy lowers.

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Q: When atoms are drawn together by attractive forces their potential energy is what?
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What happens to energy when a chemical bond forms and what happens to energy when a chemical bond is broken?

During formation of bond,the atoms come close,then their are two possibilities 1. The force of attraction between electron of one atom and the nucleus of the other atom and the electron of the other atom attracts the nucleus of the another atom.This attractive forces lowers the potential energy of the two atoms and their are chances of bond formation. 2.There are also repulsive forces between nucleus-nucleus and electron-electron,which increases the potential energy. But as the attractive forces are dominant over the repulsive forces,therefore atoms come close and lower the energy of atoms forming bond.... During the formation of bond the potential energy of the atoms decreased.

When the attractive forces holding particles together are strong enough to hold them together as a group but not as a fixed position they form a what?

Liquid. The liquid state lies between the gaseous and the solid state. The cohesive (attractive) forces between the liquid particles are strong enough to keep them together but not to keep them in a fixed position.

How is chemical energy and nuclear energy considered potential energy?

Potential energy is energy based on position, as a result of moving things against (or with) forces (more specifically, so-called "conservative" forces, but I won't go into details about that here). It requires a force to separate two atoms; therefore, you have potential energy there. It also requires a force (a much greater force in this case) to separate the nucleons in an atom; as a result, you once again have potential energy.

What keeps the particles in a solid in their arrangement?

the strong attractive forces that exist between them.

Why does a liquids evaporation rate increases when liquid is heated?

More molecules have enough energy to overcome the attractive forces holding them in the liquid.

Related questions

What gives atoms their potential energy?

This is mainly related to the attractive forces between the nucleons - by the strong nuclear force.

When molecules on a material exerts attractive forces on each other gravity exerts a what?

I think that gravity exerts an attractive force that gives the material potential energy.

The attractive forces binding the molecules of a solid can be weakened by?

The attractive forces between molecules can be weakened by supplying them with heat energy.

What happens to energy when a chemical bond forms and what happens to energy when a chemical bond is broken?

During formation of bond,the atoms come close,then their are two possibilities 1. The force of attraction between electron of one atom and the nucleus of the other atom and the electron of the other atom attracts the nucleus of the another atom.This attractive forces lowers the potential energy of the two atoms and their are chances of bond formation. 2.There are also repulsive forces between nucleus-nucleus and electron-electron,which increases the potential energy. But as the attractive forces are dominant over the repulsive forces,therefore atoms come close and lower the energy of atoms forming bond.... During the formation of bond the potential energy of the atoms decreased.

What form of energy results from the attractive forces between particle?

thermal energy

What is the potential energy of an electron?

The potential energy of the electron is different for every situation, and is a function of the attractive and repulsive forces of nearby positive and negative charges respectively (protons and other electrons). Finding the potential energy for an electron with more than one other particle nearby is extremely complicated!

Why nuclear energy a form of potential energy?

Potential energy is the energy of position. Because of the strong nuclear forces, certain configurations have more energy than others. Because the energy is related to forces (conservative forces, to be precise), this is a kind of potential energy - comparable to energy stored in a spring, or in the gravitational field of Earth, when you raise an object.

What forces are action forces for a block on an inclined plane?

gravity and potential energy

What types of energy are attributable to each of the four fundamental forces?

The four forces affecting matter are (in order of increasing strength): 1. Gravitational Force : hydraulic energy or water falls 2. Electromagnetic Force : electricity as secondary energy 3. Weak Nuclear Force: ionizing radiation4. Strong Nuclear Force: nuclear fissionWhenever there is a force, or more precisely a so-called "conservative force", there is an associated potential energy. Each of the fundamental forces have related potential energy; thus, there is gravitational, electrical & magnetical, and nuclear potential energy.I am not entirely sure about the weak force; but I assume it would be lumped together with the strong force, in the category of "nuclear energy".Chemical energy, as well as elastic energy, are also types of potential energy that are related to electrical forces.

What three forces drive a rollercoaster?

friction, potential energy, and kinetic energy

What sentence can you use for elastic potential energy?

elastic potential energy is stored by the forces within a disorted elastic object

What force holds molecular solids together?

London dispersion forces (also known as van der Waals forces) hold molecular solids together. or Intermolecular forces