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Q: When can fox cubs fend for themselves?
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Does tiger belong in a herd?

No, tigers are solitary hunters. A group is probably a mother and cubs, the cubs being too young to fend for themselves.

Make A sentence with the word fend?

Sometimes people must fend for themselves.

Why do the polar bears leave their cubs?

The mother polar bear leaves her cubs to fend for themselves when they are around 3 years old. Then the mother bear would probably rear another litter in the same year or the subsequent year.

Do white Bengal tiger cubs stay with their parents?

White bengal tiger cubs stay with their parents until they are approximately 2 to 3 years old. The parents protect and feed them until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

Does the cheetah live by itself?

Yes cheetahs are primarily loners who tend to live by themselves and fend for themselves. The only time cheetahs will live with one another is when a female cheetah is raising and fending for her cubs until they are ready to go off on their own.

Who looks after the baby cobras?

Nobody, they fend for themselves.

Are baby foxes called fox CUBS or fox KITS or can it be both?

they are called fox cubs! hope this helped!!

Does the snake parent their young?

No. Young snakes must fend for themselves.

How old are red foxes when left to fend for themselves?

10 months

How many fox cubs can a red fox have?

The average litter is 5 cubs.a small red fox.

Tiger cubs stay with their mother for about?

Tiger cubs stay with the Tigress until they are around 2 to 3 years old. The Tigress protects and feeds them until they are old enough to fend for themselves. As soon as they reach an age of around 2.5 years, they leave their mother and go off on their own.

Do bears work together?

No. Bears are solitary creatures, and often fend for themselves.